Session 4: Chronomancy 101 Report Report in Agere | World Anvil
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Session 4: Chronomancy 101 Report

General Summary

The party warps through time itself, and appear in a flash of white. They found themselves surrounded by an ongoing fight in the cave system within the bandit camp. They instantly realize that both Svetlana and Aurel are nowhere to be found. A total of ten people, five, adorned in fine armors bearing the emblem of Bahamut, and five others, adorned in makeshift armor, and wielding seemingly improvised weaponry. The ones adorning Bahamut's emblem consisted of two dragonborn, one red, and one green, and three humans. The others consisted of purely human fighters of varying size.   After acknowledging the party's presence, the fight continued, with both dragonborn using their poison and fire breath weapons, killing two of the opposing humans. The party then quickly jumped into the brawl, attacking the unarmored humans. Nine was the first to kill one, pushing them to the ground, and preforming a quick stab to the heart. In the man's dying moments, he spoke "May the eastern wind scorn your soul."   From there, the fight became very one-sided, the party and the paladins making quick work of the opposition. They fought to their last number, but when only one remained, he threw his weapons down, and surrendered. When he spoke, the party realized they had made a grave mistake. "I surrender.. please, just take me back to my cell."   In that moment, the crack in time reappeared, and the party was swiftly pulled within, being pulled through a spaceless white void, and being returned to their time. In the moments they had, they put together the awful truth, the bandits has stolen the armor from the true paladins of Bahamut, and the party had accidentally assisted in the destruction of the true Paladins of Bahamut.   They are warped back to the proper time, and they arrive in the center of a meeting of the bandits of Zirazar, where the demon orc himself was giving a speech on his plans to raid the Arcanon railroad. The bandits tell ZiraZar about how they assisted them, and the party, not wanting to fight them, go with it, and deceive the bandits by telling them they are loyal to Asmodeus.   ZiraZar falls for their improvised ruse, and treats them as allies, offering them riches in exchange for their services. The party is granted several items, one of which is a powerful blade that seems divine in nature, and none of ZiraZar's men can wield. After identifying it, Zeit finds out that the blade is known as the Sword of Zariel, the blade of the angel turned devil, ruler of the first layer of hell. The blade is sentient, and allowed itself to be carried by both Zeit and Nine. The extent of its abilities is still unknown to the party.   After the situation dies down, and the party declines participating in ZiraZar's railway heist the next day, they find out that Svetlana warped into the cave not long before them, alongside Aurel, completely unconscious. After retrieving them, the also find the last remaining paladin, and Zeit uses chronomancy to plant a message to him, telling him that the party plans to rescue him.   After declining ZiraZar for the second time, the party, and the still unconscious Svetlana leave the camp, and await the next day, planning to save the last paladin when ZiraZar and his bandits leave.

Rewards Granted

The party was granted a few items while within Zirazar's hideout, including an item called "The Valuable," a magic item that can become anything worth 1000gp, no more no less, a +1 boomerang, and a sentient angelic sword that claims to be the sword of Zariel, the devil lord of the first layer of hell, and ex-angel.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party failed to save all the paladins of Bahamut to assist them in their fight against Dualdak.
Terror of the Lost Legend
Report Date
03 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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