Session 2: Road to Xymor Report Report in Agere | World Anvil
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Session 2: Road to Xymor Report

General Summary

The party, in the abandoned village, after gathering items for the journey, the party protected the remaining items and valuables of Rochdale, and placed it within the Strong and Study Tavern, in an attempt to keep them safe from wandering bandits and thieves who come near.   After locking up the tavern, they loaded up on their carriage, and set off for the village of Xymor. In navigating they had two choices, either take the established cleared trade route, that would likely not see much danger, or travel directly through the forest, that would potentially cause complications, like dangerous beasts and monsters, but would be an entire day quicker than the trade route. Seeing the direness of the situation, they decided to travel directly through the forest, at the risk of their safety. They had an estimated three days of traveling, and a bumpy road to Xymor.   The first day of travel was free of encounters, and the party simply rode smoothly through the wilderness. That cannot be said about the second day. Deep within the forest, they encountered a horrid aberration. A skinny, humanoid-looking monster with two large tentacle-like appendages. It lured the party in by whimpering cries of help from thick shrubs and tree branches. Nine, his good-natured heart getting the best of him, drew his weapons, and approached the bushes to help the potential person in danger, only to await a vicious attack. The creature grappled him with one of its tentacles, and raised him in the air, and emerged from the bushes.   The party sprang into action, Scourge firing an arrow into the creatures abdomen, and it released a gut-retching scream, startling the party as it threw Nine from its grasp, and made a beeline to Scourge. It quickly grasped Scourge like it did Nine, and used its other tentacle to grab the attacking Hemaria. The party desperately tried to free them, for it seemed to be draining life from them. Svetlana and Skittles ran close, and Nine, recovering from the fall, got up, stretched his hand forward, his eyes glowing blue as an invisible force pushed the creature back, giving Scourge and Hemaria the perfect moment to free themselves from its grasp. The creature became confused by this, diverting its attention to Nine, and speaking a single word in a confused tone... "D-Dual..dak?"   The fight then turned to the party's favor, Skittles magically controlling water, and freezing the creature's tentacles together, and Scourge used his magical boots to spring high into a tree, taking shots with his bow, and delivering the killing blow to the monstrosity, a well placed arrow directly between its hollow eyes, dropping it to the ground.   Chronurgist Zeit quickly took the opportunity to set the creature on fire, in fear it may somehow return to life. Game began to tend to the wounds of those injured with a medicine kit, and the party set off once more on their path to Xymor. They traveled for many more hours, until they eventually had to stop for the night.   The dangerous experience that brought some of the party members near death itself seemed to make good conversation around the campfire that night, as the party learns that Nine's display of power during the fight seems to be some form of telekinesis. He reveals to the party that he has no memory past a few weeks prior to the current day, his most recent memory being walking out of a cave deep within the woods, and being found days later by a wandering ranger named Beiber. We also learn of Svetlana's motivation for adventure, her daughter, infected by Dualdak himself, slowly being transformed into a mind flayer herself. Zeit and Game bond over adventuring stories, Game being very interested in Zeit's unique time magics. Overall, the party grew closer on this journey.   The sun rose, and the party set out once more, knowing they would arrive at the capital city on this day. They exited the forest, and arrived at Victory Bridge, a large stone archway that extended across a massive river. In its center was a massive stone staff, adorned with the symbol of Asmodeus, the king of the nine hells. The staff is all that remains of a statue once built here, before valiant heroes of the past defeated the demon lord, leaving the statue to erode and fall to time. Along the bridge was also a massive railway, one that extends far east and west, connecting the nations of the world. On the other side of the bridge, was the massive city of Xymor. Its walls covered its beauty, but a massive tower could be seen peaking from above.   The party approached, where they were stopped by a Xymor guard, a yellow teifling named Ronald. The party expressed to him the dangers they have seen, and notified him of the disappearance of the people of Rochdale. Ronald bestowed them with a medallion engraved with the symbol of a dragon, and told them if they presented it to the guards ahead, they would be granted council with Graythorn, the Gold Dragon. The party quickly did so, being granted access to the city, and given directions to Graythorn's castle.   The party entered the city's walls, and were enchanted by its majesty. Xymor was filled with color and culture, tall buildings lining the streets, and the streets filled with bustling crowds, cuisines, attractions, and valuables. The party is quickly stopped by a halfling merchant, selling various colors of pocket watches, in which the party purchases, their first taste of Xymor's many experiences and valuables to obtain.   Zeit wanders off, and in his journey, sells the hellfire dagger obtained in Rochdale, trading it for a black drake egg, and teaches a curious passerby the unseen servant spell for money, whist the party makes their way to Graythorn, passing many businesses and interesting locals.   The party, without Zeit, is brought into Graythorn's quarters, where they are met with a tanned, black haired dwarf, that introduces himself as Graythorn, the Dragon King, in a hearty and friendly way. Then, the party informs him of the plights they have witnessed, and the return of the mind flayers. The king informs them that the mind flayers haven't been seen in 3,000 years, long before Arcanon was founded, and the destruction they once caused was the ruin of the nation once present where Arcanon is now. He made sure the party knew he took this threat seriously, and would send forces to Rochdale to protect it from further harm.   Unfortunately, the King's forces were currently occupied, guarding the rail system from a rampaging group of bandits, lead by an Orc who has the powers of a demon, ZiraZar. There are a group of soldiers known as the Paladins of Bahamut, who are currently attacking a recently discovered hideout of ZiraZar's forces. Since their journey began, the Paladins have not made contact with Xymor, leading Graythorn to think they are either in trouble, or have lost means of contact.   Graythorn tells the party that if they find the Paladins, or rescue them from the bandits, he will make certain that they assist the party in defeating Dualdak's forces. Once the party is satisfied with this, and are given the location of the bandit hideout, Graythorn bids them goodbye, transforming into his true, massive, gold draconic form, flying out of the tower to inform his guards of the looming threats to come.   The party then is encountered with another choice of travel, either continue traveling with their horses and carriage, or take the faster railroad, and walk the remaining distance without their horses. After reuniting with Zeit, they decide that they will take the train leaving at the next dawn. Until then, they settled at one of the many taverns in Xymor, one full of puppies and hatchling drakes, known as the Precious Puppy Inn, where the party got to relax, and enjoy a nights rest within the walls of the city, rather than the wilderness. The morning awaits the engines of the great Railroad of Arcanon.

Rewards Granted

The party purchased a few items, including three pocket watches, and Zeit traded the hellfire dagger for a black drake egg.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party successfully informed the leaders of Arcanon of the oncoming threat of Dualdak, and defeated a monster in the woods.

Character(s) interacted with

The party interacted with several NPC's, including Xymor guards, various merchants within the city, and King Graythorn himself.

Created Content

The Precious Puppy Inn, The Lem Circus.
Terror of the Lost Legend
Report Date
20 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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