Graythorn, The Gold Dragon Character in Agere | World Anvil
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Graythorn, The Gold Dragon

The founder of the great nation of Arcanon, and a glorious golden dragon, Graythorn stands atop his kingdom as a true example of the values the great platinum dragon Bahamut sets for his followers. He wishes to gift the world with his gifts and knowledge of the arcane, and technological genius of his aspiring citizens.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once one of the six dragons of Bahamut, Graythorn was a humble servant of his lord, always at his side amongst his brothers. One fateful day, Bahamut extended his grace and ancient knowledge upon Graythorn, and told him that the people of Otrus, and all of Agere needed his teachings. Graythorn set out to build a nation from the scraps of the Miracle Empire, and Arcanon was born.   Today (5056 PQ), he rules his nation in peace, and seeks to expand his influence to the rest of Otrus, and unite them once more at the request of his dear master.

Gender Identity



Graythorn is a disciple of the platinum dragon, Bahamut. He has been gifted with knowledge of powerful magics, and his ambition fuels his education further every day.


Graythorn is the founder and ruler of Arcanon.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The founding of the nation known as Arcanon.

Morality & Philosophy

Graythorn believes that if he has the capability to expand, he should, for his success can be given to others, and the world may prosper.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of Spring, 4704 P.Q.
Year of Birth
4704 P.Q. 352 Years old
a glittering yellow pupil within a darkened gold eyeball.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Graythorn's scales glitter various tints of gold across the entirety of his body.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Primordial, and Celestial.
Ruled Locations


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