Ireena Kolyana Character in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Ireena Kolyana

Ireena, a young girl with a fierce spirit, has attracted the attention of Countess Ravna van Roeyen. Because of this, the villagers are afraid of her and avoid her. Although she appears mild, she has a strong will.  


Ireena is the daughter of the recently deceased Kolyan Indirovitch, boyar of the Village of Brashov. Her brother is Ismark Kol­yanovich, the new boyar of the village.   Her encounters with Ravna are fuzzy memories, but she can recall clearly the blazing intensity of her eyes. On her final visit, Ravna gave her an old music box that plays an eerie tune. Ireena doesn't know why or what it means, but she feels attached to it and refuses to give it up.  


After Luka tries to abduct her several times while possessed by the soul of High Inquisitor Valerus, Ireena sneaks away from the party in the night, while they camped near the Werewolf Den. The party finds a letter amongst her things from the Lady Fiona Wachter, boyara of the Town of Vallaki, offering her solace in the town.   Later, while speaking with the soul of Rudolph van Richten in the Yeti Cave, the party learns that Ireena came to find him, and together they were seeking the Mad Mage before they were separated.   The party ultimately finds Ireena with the wizard, where she is being protected and instructed in the ways of magic. The party can tell Ireena has grown significantly in the weeks since leaving home. Her demeanor has darkened, her hope dwindled, and her focus has become survival at all costs.
Ireena today
Current Location
Ireena in Brashov

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