The Last Earth Martian War Military Conflict in AGE OF STRIFE | World Anvil

The Last Earth Martian War

==The Last Earth-Martian War==

  The defining event for the home-world of humanity during the Age of Strife was the “Last Earth-Martian War”. This war was the final devastating apocalyptic event that brought ruin not only to old Earth (later renamed Terra) but Mars as well.     Old Earth and Mars has had a long, sometimes violent history with one another, but this Last War has its beginnings when the planets and its home system was cut off from the rest of the galaxy by warp storms. It is unclear when the sol system was cut off from the rest of the galaxy. Imperial Scholars put it circa M26 at or near the dawn of the millennia.     These warpstorm, later being the event to mark the beginning of the “Long Night” or Age of Strife, were the not only happening to Old-Earth. In fact, these storms were affecting the entire galaxy, bringing interstellar commerce grinding to a haul.     The storms that shrouded the sol system were unexpected and were concerning but no one foresaw them lasting for so long. As time went by, voidships from nearby star system travel into sol. They brought dire news that the storms that plagued sol persists far beyond it. Years turned into decades; internal strife intensified as valuable resources from afar were no longer reaching the sol system.     As time progressed and pressors mounted, old rivalries reignited. The greatest of these rivalries were that, of course, of the planets of Old Earth (the name of humanities home world long ago) and Mars (an equally old world having been the first planet to be colonized).     As each planet scrounged from what few remaining resources were left, battleline were drawn. Proxy conflicts raged through the system. Hostilities would erupt and fade over the centuries as resources deteriorate.     The exact date has been lost to time but in the years approximate to 27500 imperial calender, the worlds of Old-Earth and Mars exchanged a storm of interstellar weapons upon one another. The resulting destruction let to the ruin of both planets. There unified planetary governments collapsing almost immediately.   This war marked the end of the old governance of humanities oldest habituated worlds. It world be hundreds of years before Mars would unite under the Mechanicus and millennia more for the scared world know known as Terra
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