Calaris System Geographic Location in AGE OF STRIFE | World Anvil

Calaris System

Calaris Star System

By Franco right Nut on Discord   A brief History Summary:  
  • when was it discovered by Humanity?:
  • The star system which would be later called Calaris was discover in the night skies of ancient Old Earths long ago. Some time in the earliest centuries of Humanities era extra solar colonization Calaris was properly ventured to and settled. Over the centuries and then the millianias Calaris became a local hub of trade and commerce. A member of several interstellar federations, Calaris was one of the core worlds of Golden Era Humanity. In the year 25th millennium the men of iron turned against mankind, and the outcome was an apocalyptic civil war. Despite their victory humanity was left in ruins and the warp storms would cause the total collapse of their interstellar civilization. Without their technologies, many worlds plunged into chaos. The planet of Calaris prime suffered a similar faith. After the collapse of its government during the war, the remaining military forces of the planet resumed the role of the pre-war government and The Calaris Republic was born. In its early day, it was a last-ditch efforted to preserve civilization. Measures taken were severe, strict rationing, a mandatory one-child policy and a wide spread martial law. A century had passed and the situation of the planet began to improve and technological advancement continue. A plan was made to see dissolve the emergency military government and replaced it with a civilian government. However, the people of the republic voted for the military government to remain in power as they have gained a lot of support from civilians. Thus transforming the military government into the sole governing body of the nation. Eventually, the space program resumed with a new wave of star ships being constructed and sent out to recolonize nearby worlds within the system. A new space warfare branch was then founded to protect the republic territory against Xenos and other human factions.  
  • If it was Colonized, when was it?
  • major events ;
  • The Solar System

      Primary Star
    • Type: F8 V Yellow-white Main Sequence
    • Radius: 8.55 x 105 km (1.23 x sol)
    • Mass: 2.86 x 1030 kg (1.44 x sol)
    • Temperature: 6200 K
    • Luminosity: 7.69 x 1026 W (2.01 x sol)
      Companion Star
    • Type: M8 V Red Dwarf
    • Distance: 6.49 x 107 km (0.43 AU)
    • Radius: 2.95 x 105 km (0.42 x sol)
    • Mass: 7.06 x 1029 kg (0.36 x sol)
    • Temperature: 2100 K
    • Luminosity: 1.20 x 1024 W (0.00 x sol)
          Calaris Prime
    • Type: Terrestrial World
    • Orbital Radius: 2.52 x 108 km (1.69 AU)
    • Period: 1.43 x 104 hours (1.64 earth years)
    • Physics: Large ocean
    • Radius: 9481.76 km (1.49 x earth)
    • Gravity: 15.04 m/s2 (1.54 x earth)
    • Hydrosphere: 79 % water, 64 % ice
    • Atmosphere: Standard
    • Biosphere: Prokaryotic microbes
    • Special: Large moon
    • Type: Rock Planet
    • Orbital Radius: 4.23 x 108 km (2.83 AU)
    • Period: 3.10 x 104 hours (3.55 earth years)
    • Physics: non
    • Radius: 8915.53 km (1.40 x earth)
    • Gravity: 13.91 m/s2 (1.42 x earth)
    • Hydrosphere: non
    • Atmosphere: ???
    • Biosphere: non
    • Special: Heavy volcanism, large moon
    • Type: Rock Planet
    • Orbital Radius: 8.06 x 108 km (5.39 AU)
    • Period: 8.17 x 104 hours (9.35 earth years)
    • Physics: non
    • Radius: 5550.00 km (0.87 x earth)
    • Gravity: 8.81 m/s2 (0.90 x earth)
    • Hydrosphere: non
    • Atmosphere: ???
    • Biosphere: non
    • Special: Large moon
    • Type: Ice Planet
    • Orbital Radius: 1.43 x 109 km (9.59 AU)
    • Period: 1.94 x 105 hours (22.18 earth years)
    • Physics: non
    • Radius: 22479.15 km (3.53 x earth)
    • Gravity: 13.19 m/s2 (1.35 x earth)
    • Hydrosphere: non
    • Atmosphere: ???
    • Biosphere: non
    • Special: 3 small moons
    • Type: Ice Planet
    • Orbital Radius: 1.43 x 109 km (9.59 AU)
    • Period: 1.94 x 105 hours (22.18 earth years)
    • Physics: non
    • Radius: 22479.15 km (3.53 x earth)
    • Gravity: 13.19 m/s2 (1.35 x earth)
    • Hydrosphere: non
    • Atmosphere: ???
    • Biosphere: non
    • Special: 3 small moons
    • Type: Asteroid Belt
    • Orbital Radius: 3.01 x 109 km (20.12 AU)
    • Period: 5.90 x 105 hours (67.46 earth years)
    • Type: Ice Planet
    • Orbital Radius: 5.85 x 109 km (39.12 AU)
    • Period: 1.60 x 106 hours (182.86 earth years)
    • Physics: non
    • Radius: 25697.25 km (4.03 x earth)
    • Gravity: 11.15 m/s2 (1.14 x earth)
    • Hydrosphere: non
    • Atmosphere: ???
    • Biosphere: non
    • Special: 3 small moons
    • Type: Ice Planet
    • Orbital Radius: 1.19 x 1010 km (79.40 AU)
    • Period: 4.62 x 106 hours (528.65 earth years)
    • Physics: non
    • Radius: 14631.83 km (2.30 x earth)
    • Gravity: 7.56 m/s2 (0.77 x earth)
    • Hydrosphere: non
    • Atmosphere: ???
    • Biosphere: non
    • Special: Planetary rings

    Calaris Prime

    Landscape   How is the planet layed out: Calaris Prime was earth like even before humans colonized it but over the millennias further terraformation efforts have led to the planet to become a grand civilized world.   How much land is temperate, equatorial or polar?: much of the world is water with large section of the north and south covered in ice caps. the Equator has a large curve of islands the runs around the planet   Are there forests?: the forests of Calaris are small compared to other worlds but are quite dark and dense.   Are there tropical areas?: much of inhabited lands are along the equator making many of the island tropical   Are there grasslands / plains?: most flat plain areas are the grand ice sheets of the ice caps and some of the land that lays near it.   Describe the night sky.: The Night sky is a dark blue as the light pollution of human settlement blocks the view of stars and close by celestial bodies, appart from the large moon that orbits the planet.   Describe the sky during the day.: much of the worlds year only one sun is visible during then during the "Hot" season the second sun is visible   Are there multiple suns?: 2   Are there oceans or great bodies of water (or other things): much of the planet is water, a string of island that run along the equator seperate the norther and southern oceans   What are their temperatures like: cold   Are their ice caps?: 2       Countries and society   Inhabitants: The people of the planet share striking cultural seminaries to the Akha people of Old Earth but are very diverse in ski tone and facial features.     Seasons   How many seasons are there?: 2   How long are the seasons?: the seasons are almost equally divided   What seasons are there?: The hot season and wet season       Climate   What is the climate like?: ???   Is the climate consistent or changeable?: ???       Weather   What is the weather like?:   Is the weather consistent or changeable?:   How does the weather affect people’s way of life?:       Fauna and Flora   Much of the Fauna and Flora of Calabris has been imported from Old Earth          

    The Calaris Republic

      Name: The Calaris Republic   Alternate names: Calaris, The Republic, Veteran Republic       Brief Summary of the faction:   After the collapse of its government during the war, the remaining military forces of the planet resumed the role of the pre-war government and The Calaris Republic was born. In its early day, it was a last-ditch efforted to preserve civilization. Measures taken were severe, strict rationing, a mandatory one-child policy and a wide spread martial law. A century had passed and the situation of the planet began to improve and technological advancement continue. A plan was made to see dissolve the emergency military government and replaced it with a civilian government. However, the people of the republic voted for the military government to remain in power as they have gained a lot of support from civilians. Thus transforming the military government into the sole governing body of the nation. Eventually, the space program resumed with a new wave of star ships being constructed and sent out to recolonize nearby worlds within the system. A new space warfare branch was then founded to protect the republic territory against Xenos and other human factions.       Leader(S): Kari Wahlgren   Leader Titles: General       Territory or area of operation: The Republic territory includes its home planet of Calaris and much if its home solar system.       Capital(s): “Veteran Landing”       Founding date: Ca. 26M   Dissolution Date: Ca. 30M       History: ???   The star system which would be later called Calaris was discover in the night skies of ancient Old Earths long ago. Some time in the earliest centuries of Humanities era extra solar colonization Calaris was properly ventured to and settled.   Over the centuries and then the millianias Calaris became a local hub of trade and commerce. A member of several interstellar federations, Calaris was one of the core worlds of Golden Era Humanity.   In the year 25th millennium the men of iron turned against mankind, and the outcome was an apocalyptic civil war. Despite their victory humanity was left in ruins and the warp storms would cause the total collapse of their interstellar civilization. Without their technologies, many worlds plunged into chaos.   The planet of Calaris prime suffered a similar faith. After the collapse of its government during the war, the remaining military forces of the planet resumed the role of the pre-war government and The Calaris Republic was born. In its early day, it was a last-ditch efforted to preserve civilization. Measures taken were severe, strict rationing, a mandatory one-child policy and a wide spread martial law. A century had passed and the situation of the planet began to improve and technological advancement continue. A plan was made to see dissolve the emergency military government and replaced it with a civilian government. However, the people of the republic voted for the military government to remain in power as they have gained a lot of support from civilians. Thus transforming the military government into the sole governing body of the nation. Eventually, the space program resumed with a new wave of star ships being constructed and sent out to recolonize nearby worlds within the system. A new space warfare branch was then founded to protect the republic territory against Xenos and other human factions.        


      Military Republic.   The main governing body of the republic is the veteran council made of the highest-ranking military personnel and the head of the council is a high marshal elected by a closed-door vote.   The territory of the planet is divided into states. A state is controlled by the senate elected by civilians, with an ability to make local and small decisions.       Citizenship Policy   The republic has a heavy militarize society ensuring loyalty to the military government. Four years of National service is also required for an individual to gain full citizenship. Full citizenship will grant individuals more benefits such as the privilege to travel between states, more career options and better living standards etc. For their national service, a person can either work for a government organization, join the labour force or enlist in any military branches. After four years of service, they will receive their citizenship and be given an option to either return to their civilian life or continue their service.       Beliefs systems:   Civilians can follow any religions they want and create their own if they wish. As long as their religion does not cause harm to others and the nation as a whole. Major religions in the republic are ancient religions that can be dated back to the age of terra such as Christianity and Muslim. All types of Chaos worships are forbidden, anyone caught doing so will be sentenced to immediate termination along with all of the properties that were used for their practice.   Recommended changes; “The Republic has a long history of diversity of thought and beliefs, but always under the surveillance and often control of the state government. This is due to the ongoing crisis with rogue psyker who have formed radical disunity cults bent on the destruction of the state.   Much of the Religious institutions trace their ideology to Old Earths Abrahamic religions of christo’Islam.”      


      Psyker suppression unit   All psyker are considered to be dangerous as they can cause demonic incursion and damage to properties. Law enforcement is ordered to hunt down and eliminate any psyker they found. Specialise unit was created specifically to combat psyker its operative are psyker themselves, modify with cybernetics to give them better control of their power and further improve their ability. The standard issue weapon is a 60. Cal bolter gun.  
      Army   Soldiers of the republic are equipped with power combat Carapace armour, developed from an environmental protection suits created early colonists to explore the planet. The suit was repurposed for military uses during the war against the robots. It allows soldiers to be deployed in hazardous warzones and extreme environments. Other than that the suit also enhances the soldier's strength and agility which is great for melee combat. This feature was added in by using another STC fragment. The army standard issue weapon is a high-power lasrifle with much higher energy output than a normal lasgun. Capable of piecing space marine armour with a few shots.  
      Soldier types   Basic Foot soldier – Standard soldiers deploy on the battlefield to eliminate the enemy. There are multiple variants of foot soldiers such as heavy weapon specialists armed with missile launchers and heavy bolters and mortar crews for providing indirect fire support.   Cavalry scouts – Scouts are soldiers mounted on an infantry fighting vehicle deploy to conduct scouting missions gathering intel on the enemy and providing fire support to the infantry with the armaments of their combat vehicle.   Combat engineer – Combat engineers are deployed to set up fortifications, building bases or to clear obstacles placed by the enemy by using explosives. Engineer EOD squads are engineers who specialize in diffusing explosive devices and traps.   Medical team – Combat paramedic who retrieves injured soldiers from the frontline to receive proper treatment in the hospital. A squad of combat paramedics is mounted on a hover craft equipped with surgery tools and first aid kits.   Supply specialists – soldiers who manage and deliver supplies to all army units. They are a part of the Army logistic corp.   Logistic personnel - Logistic personnel oversee troop movement across the battlefield and battle planning.   Signal support specialist – Radio operators who maintain stable and secure communication between multiple army units in and outside of the battlefield.   Army security force – Security forces or military police maintain law and order within the military base and prevent trespassers from entering.       Combat Vehicles   Tank – Tanks provides heavy fire support against a powerful enemy. Its main gun fire a 120mm rocket-assisted plasma shell. The shell can be programmed to explode mid-air or after penetrating the enemy armour. The coaxial gun of the tank is an automatic las cannon
    Self-propel artillery – an in-direct fire support vehicle with a 155 mm main cannon that fires a mass reactive fusion shell capable of levelling an entire city block used and caused a small earthquake.
      Orbital defence vehicle – combat vehicles armed with multi barrel lightning cannons and a hypersonic missile launchers to shoot down enemy strike craft.
    Infantry fighting vehicle – Infantry combat vehicles are used by scouts for transport and fire support for ground forces. Its armament is a 45mm assault cannon loaded with HEAT rounds, an air defence laser and a missile launcher.
      Utility support vehicle – Utility support vehicles can be modified to take on different support roles such as ambulance, radar station, transporting men and supplies, mobile command centre, fire control headquarters supporting artilleries and mortar units etc.
      Allies: Imperium of Man?   Enemies: Aliens? Mutants?, psykers?
    Solar System


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