Britonnica Isles Organization in AGE OF STRIFE | World Anvil

Britonnica Isles

British Isles Allegories Britonnica   Conflicting lore; is said to be allegory of Great Britian   From Britonnica (British Isles) - Britonnica was a small island state located in what was once known as the British Isles.   Personal Notes: A land of feudal warlords, located around the areas of Brittany in France to wales in Britain. These lands are realy united and often occupied or colonized by its more powerful neighbors.   Ref: Celtic Brittany and Wales kingdoms     Albia   Conflicting lore; is said to be allegory of Great Britian   will be conquered by Emperor not by using force, but thanks to his talent of persuasion. He will convince the lords of Albia to join his side, and it will work so perfectly, that soon this lord will become one of the most ardent supporters of the Unification. Ref; Scotland?   Taken from “Albia - Albia, sometimes called Old Albia, was a techno-barbarian state of Old Earth during the Unification Wars. Bordering Northern Atlan and known for its ancient warlike clans, the regions of Albia consisted of towering, soot-blackened castram-cities. Albia is known to have clashed frequently with the Panpacific Empire under the rule of the Unspeakable King and was aided by the forces of the Emperor in this conflict. However, the Albians eventually refused to kneel before the Emperor and met His Thunder Warriors with their own proto-Dreadnoughts and armored Ironside Clan soldiers. In battle after battle, the Albians managed to hold back the Emperor's forces but only at staggering cost for the defenders. As a result, this state presented a considerable challenge for the forces of the Emperor during the Unification, so much so that the Emperor, impressed by the determined brutal resistance of the state's defenders, decided to end the fighting and take Albia through negotiations. Admitting the martial temper and indomitable spirit of His foe, the Emperor called for a ceasefire and sought a diplomatic solution. The Emperor appeared before the Albian Clan Lords unarmed and clothed in white and crimson, speaking of His vision for a unified Mankind. He offered them glory among the stars and redemption. To the shock of many, the warlords of Albia, seeing the Emperor as different from past tyrants, accepted His terms and soon became one of the most zealous supporters of Unification. Once Albia was under His sovereignty the Emperor saw the Albians as suitable gene-recruits for the nascent XIV Legion (the Dusk Raiders). Indeed, such was the suitability of the warriors of these ancient clans for induction into the ranks of the Space Marines that recruits drawn from their castram-cities and Ironside Clans were also incorporated into the ranks of the First Founding VIII and X Legions, the Night Lords and the Iron Hands, respectively. However, these Legions made use of Albian recruits to a lesser degree than the XIV Legion, who were by blood and culture shaped by the traditions of the warlords of Albia as well as the hand of the Emperor.”   Personal Notes: Located in what was once Scotland and the sounding northern sea. Albion is known for its clan social structure and fierce warrior traditions. Ruled by a hereditary monarch, the clans’ conflict with one another for societal positions with the hopes of their clan one day position into a set of power.     Albyon (British Isles)   Conflicting lore; is said to be a continent and an allegory of Great Britian  
  • Albyon was a polity on Old Earth during the Age of Strife and the Unification Wars, presumably located in what had once been the British Isles, and was known in ancient times as Albion. Its ruler, the tyrannical Uilleam the Red, was defeated by the Emperor's forces and imprisoned in the dungeon of Khangba Marwu in the Himalazian (Himalayan) Mountains.
  • Taken from Albyon was a polity on Old Earth during the Age of Strife and the Unification Wars, presumably located in what had once been the British Isles, and was known in ancient times as Albion. Its ruler, the tyrannical Uilleam the Red, was defeated by the Emperor's forces and imprisoned in the dungeon of Khangba Marwu in the Himalazian (Himalayan) Mountains.”   Personal Lore; Located in what was once Southern England and the English Channel. The people of Albyon are fierce rivals of Franc but are however quite similar to them in many societal aspects. First the Albyon have a similar class society with noblity at the top. However, unlike the franc, there is a far more separation between the classes and social mobility is very much taboo. And although like the franc nobility the Albyon noblity owns much of the means of production, the Albyon oddly enough not a wealthy. The nobility therefore have to really on the strength of arms or charisma to keep the other classes incheck. With this bring into being the great Albyon court system, when ancient laws are used to manipulate land claims   Ref; English empire, closer association to Franc but are still rivals. Victorian Steampunk? Dirty Nobility, class structure. 1980s punks?     Britonnica   Conflicting lore; is said to be allegory of Great Britian     From Britonnica (British Isles) - Britonnica was a small island state located in what was once known as the British Isles.     Personal Notes: A land of feudal warlords, located around the areas of Brittany in France to wales in Britain. These lands are realy united and often occupied or colonized by its more powerful neighbors.   Ref: Celtic Brittany and Wales kingdoms     Lundun   The Lost and the Damned (Novel)   Maybe a bacterization of “London”
    Geopolitical, Empire


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