Day of Great Eats Tradition / Ritual in Age of New Gods / Rifts of Sarusan | World Anvil
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Day of Great Eats

This holiday is celebrated by the kolbolds of Lobanon, as a day of religious sacrifice to the great dragons.


When the dragons decided to cooperate and formed the eliatrope houses, they realized that to feed themselves they required a self-replenishing food source. They subjected they local kolbolds, convincing them to venerate them as absolute divine rulers. They convinced them that those eaten by the dragon are absorbed into it and become the dragon itself. The established this holiday around the time where many young dragons are hatched, so that they can easily feast on the frenzied kobolds.


The Kolbolds spend all of the rest of the year preparing for this day, breeding constantly and fattening each other up in an attempt to become a delectable meal. When high noon comes, they swarm into the Valley of Dragons and offer up themselves to the young dragons.

Components and tools

The Kolbods will often try to obtain exotic oils and spices that they can adorn themselves with, to maximize their appeal to the hungry dragons.


The Day of Great Eats is held on the 14th of Erthne.
Primary Related Location


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