Kratan Slave Markets Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Kratan Slave Markets

While slavery is one of the few things banned in Kratas , slave markets do exist. These markets are often transitory, held in remote corners of The Safehearths or The Scrabbles and very rarely in abandoned mansions on Clifftop . The safest locations for these slave markets, however, are in the Undercity .   The majority of these markets are run by Brocher's Brood . Most of the customers hail from the The Theran Empire or in one of the places in Barsaive where slavery is still legal.   A typical slave market holds only two or three slaves, held in various areas in the city and brought together when enough have been gathered to sell in a lot to a slave trader. This usually means a market will have one to two dozen slaves. Those who seek individual slaves can contact a member of the Brood named T'rebak who arranges to bring the to a secluded location. When there are enough buyers in the city at one time, a temporary market is set up with an auction in an attempt to drive up prices.

Purpose / Function

Selling and buying of slaves
Shop, Cobbler
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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