Saeyra Character in AfterWorld | World Anvil
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Her name is Saeyra, she is a chaotic good cleric, who, a bit against her will, is made to worship a deity called "Lady of laughter" and thus, act properly and dedicate her life to living with dignity, although she would much rather enjoy life and its pleasures. Given the enormous responsability of living according to the will of her deity, she often struggles to represent the image that is expected of her, but she tries her best, knowing she is not perfect. She values her parents, who lived diligently and blamwelessly, carrying on with their responsabilities with joy, and considers them as her rolemodels, although secretly guarding rancor to them for the enormous responsabilities and expectations that are bestowed upon her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and skinny, sopusuhtainen. Healthy looking. Unexepectedly beautiful, clean looking, high cheek bones, full lips and a small nose. Long, straight hair. Seductive eyes.

Body Features

Long legs, Lean, but athletic.

Facial Features

Full lips, high cheekbones, purple, seductive eyes, pointy ears, perfect skin,

Identifying Characteristics

Purple eyes, those are not common

Physical quirks

Bites her lips

Apparel & Accessories

Important to look good, dresses still in the clothes of a priestess, long robes similar to a kimono.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

a good person, needs attention. Especially from men. In a crisis. Relationships determine her identity. She doesn't know who she really is and yearns attention from everyone. Doesn't want to be a good cleric. She thinks that being a cleric isn't really for her. Her crisis comes from her religious upbringing. She doesn't want to follow the strict rules of her family's religion and doesn't live up to her family's expectations. She comes from a family of religious leaders and now that her family is gone doesn't know how to handle the responsibility. She can't take responsibility. She avoids responsibility and that's why she ran away from home. She feels guilt over running away from home but can't deny that she needs to be true to herself. She enjoys good company and wants to celebrate life and be free.

Gender Identity



Kinda hypersexual, straight


Her family has prepared her for being a priestess. Never received any formal education.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Yet to happen

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to be like she should be

Mental Trauma

Disappointing her family

Intellectual Characteristics

Emotionally aware Knows quality when she sees it

Morality & Philosophy

Not too strict, a bit moraalisesti harmaa

Personality Characteristics


To feel worthy, seeks validation from others,

Savvies & Ineptitudes

+ emotionally aware  
  • can't abstain from good stuff
  • -

    Likes & Dislikes

    + fine food + fine drinks + fine company + regular joys of life  
  • lying
  • liiallinen askeettisuus
  • - -

    Virtues & Personality perks

    enjoys life life of the party always looking for a reason to celebrate tries her best

    Vices & Personality flaws

    vain too easy attention seeking provocative

    Personality Quirks

    Seems to be shallow but enjoys philosophical discussions


    Good hygiene
    Chaotic Good
    Platinum blonde, long, and straight
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation