Afterlight Technological Advancement Timeline

Technological Advancement

  • 2024 AD

    Neural Link Announced
    Scientific achievement

    The approval of the Neural Link is announced. Signaling the start of the cybernetic age.

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  • 2026 AD

    Gene Editing
    Scientific achievement

    The first successful gene editing trials take place at GeneTek, allowing scientists to edit the human genome with greater precision than ever before.

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  • 2027 AD

    NovaCore Reactors
    Technological achievement

    Miniaturized "Cold Fusion" reactors are created by the company NovaGen. Providing cheap green energy for the world.

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  • 2028 AD

    Quantum Computing
    Scientific achievement

    A breakthrough in quantum computing at MacroTech leads to the development of a supercomputer capable of performing calculations at an unprecedented speed.

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  • 2030 AD

    Self-Driving Cars
    Scientific achievement

    The first fully autonomous vehicles hit the market, developed by Tesla. This vastly disrupts the transportation industry causing ripples throughout the world economy.

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  • 2032 AD

    New Crop
    Scientific achievement

    Genetically modified crops developed by AgriCorp become the norm in agriculture, leading to higher yields and increased food production.

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  • 2035 AD

    Augmented Age
    Cultural event

    Cybernetic implants become increasingly popular, allowing users to enhance their physical abilities beyond human limitations.

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  • 2039 AD

    Technological achievement

    The development of nanotechnology allows for the creation of microscopic machines capable of repairing and manipulating cells at the molecular level. A new era of medical technology begins with the establishment of nanomedical companies such as NanotechHealth.

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