Missing Children Plot in Afterlight | World Anvil

Missing Children

Remember them? You should probably start looking into this. -Uncle Frankie
  In recent weeks, parents in White Crest have reported an alarming increase in the number of children who have gone missing. According to the police, over twenty children have disappeared in the last month alone, leaving parents and law enforcement officials baffled and concerned.   Local authorities have launched a full-scale investigation into the disappearances, but so far, no leads have been found. Some parents have even taken matters into their own hands, forming search parties and scouring the city for any clues.  
  However, rumors have begun to circulate that the children may have been taken by a sinister force lurking in the shadows of the city. Some witnesses claim to have seen a kindly old woman feeding birds in the area near where the children have gone missing.   As panic sets in among the city's residents, a group of paranormal investigators and monster hunters has taken up the case. Using their unique skills and expertise, they will embark on a perilous mission to uncover the truth behind the disappearances and bring the missing children back to their families.  

The Story so Far


Embarking on a mountain research project, the Wyldkats encounters ominous signs and unsettling warnings from a native American. As they settle in at the campsite, a storm rages, followed by an eerie silence broken only by distant singing. When the storm clears, they find their companions missing and a strange rock arrangement. Facing off against menacing wolves, the group unveils their hidden abilities to defeat the creatures, discovering they were technologically altered and transmitting signals. Now faced with a choice, they must decide whether to seek help or venture into the unknown to locate their vanished peers.
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