Aurorium Material in Afterlight | World Anvil


Aurorium is a crystal with a previously undiscovered qualities that sets it apart from any other minerals on Earth. It has the incredible ability to absorb heat energy, rendering it nearly impervious to high temperatures. Aurorium crystals are formed deep beneath the earth's surface, in locations previously unreached by mankind. Their origin is shrouded in mystery, and few people have been able to study them closely.

History & Usage


The discovery of Aurorium has had a profound impact on the world, as it represents a previously unknown source of energy that could potentially revolutionize the way we power our lives. Its ability to absorb heat energy makes it an ideal material for use in high-temperature applications, such as in the engines of spacecraft or in the production of advanced electronics. The rarity of Aurorium, combined with its unique properties, make it an extremely valuable resource, and it has become the subject of intense interest from corporations, governments, and private individuals alike.

Cultural Significance and Usage

NovaCore reactors have become the preferred type of power generation in the first world, revolutionizing energy with their miniaturized design and "green" qualities. As such it has become quite popular among those supporting a "Green Revolution" almost achieving a status equivalent to that held by a holy relic among the more active and militant green groups.

Industrial Use

At present Aurorium is only used in large scale reactors and power plants. This is primarily due to its rarity and the difficulty in obtaining it. However, with the expansion of NovaGen's operations, and discovery of the large cache of the mineral offshore of White Crest there is talk of miniaturizing these and vastly expanding their usage.  
  Those scientist prone to prediction claim Aurorium could replace fossil fuels in the coming decades.
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