#exagon Organization in Afterlight | World Anvil


#exagon is a reckless and dangerous activist group that has thrown White Crest into chaos with their aggressive agenda. Their extreme advocacy for supernatural beings has taken a destructive turn, causing widespread fear and panic among the human population. This group's flagrant disregard for the secrecy and privacy that many supernatural beings value has left many of them horrified at the exposure and unwanted attention.   The group's symbol, a hexagon with an "X" in the center, serves as a stark reminder of their audacious approach. They openly challenge the established norms and safety of both the human and supernatural communities, leading to growing resentment and hostility from all sides. #exagon's confrontational actions, such as violent protests and brazen confrontations, have pushed the boundaries of civil discourse to the brink.   Their reckless behavior has led to clashes with law enforcement, endangering the very peace they claim to fight for. Many citizens, both human and supernatural, see #exagon as a threat to the delicate balance that has allowed their communities to coexist in relative harmony. As the group's influence spreads, it's becoming increasingly clear that their actions are causing more harm than good, leaving White Crest teetering on the edge of chaos and potentially plunging it into a full-blown conflict.

Seize the Night, Seize the Right!

Social, Activist


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