005: All Is Fair In Love And War Report in Afterlight | World Anvil

005: All Is Fair In Love And War

General Summary

After returning from their narrow escape, the party found that there was another murder down in the middle-class area. When they arrived, they learned that the victim was another employee of MacroTech, a private company rumored to be employed by the government. The only difference between the two murders was now there was a third body, one of a burly biker having been strung to a tree and murdered the same way though it was missing the slashes along his arms. The party put together that he must have been the killer from evidence found on his body and eyewitness account from the husband of the victim. Before the group could investigate any further MIB took over the case and removing all from the permeance claiming to have solved the homicides already. Luckily Kei managed to snag the victim's laptop before being escorted from the crime scene.   After attempting to break into the snatched laptop they learn a connection between MacroTech and Lee's operations and also of a mysterious project they'd been working on, M.C.K., though the knowledge cost them as it set off a distress beacon alerting who knows what. The party hurriedly disposed of the computer in the sea hoping to have avoided disaster.   At Salty's Saloon, they encounter three unwanted guests in their basement, one burly biker and two wolves. They soon learn the pack are werewolves looking for their brother and believed they'd been the ones to take him. When they told them their brother was deceased the two groups almost came to blows, the pack enraged at their brother's death. Suddenly another biker came down, their sister, taking the pack home.   As the group relaxed with the removal of the threat suddenly gun shots are heard from upstairs. The party races up to see the werewolves and a gang of some very pale people brawling it out in the alley between the saloon. Rushing to assist to avoid a mass panic, they manage to defeat the pale people learning they are vampire in the process. When they interrogate the leaders, they learn that they told the brother about a job opportunity, and they set him up for the murders.
Neon Nightmares
Kei Sakamoto
Phoebe Martino
Lee Sullivan
Player Journals
Am I crazy? by Lee Sullivan
Report Date
17 Jul 2022
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