Chapter 29: Chasing Shadows Plot in Aezieron | World Anvil

Chapter 29: Chasing Shadows

Session Date: 1/10/19

  • The party takes some downtime after a fast pase adventure.
  • Now in the citadel, the party takes some time to integrate into the city and search for anything unusual.
  • Moana had the most active downtime, gathering funds from the party, writing to Esmeralda, and gambling all his money all away.
  • The others spread out across the city for personal endeavors.


Plot points/Scenes

Citadel of Avalon

Now in the Citadel of Avalon, the party disperses and goes about errands and looking for the Shadow Web in their own ways. After 2 weeks they return and share what they have been up to.   Gavin plays and performs nightly in the Tavern asking around about shady characters and uses his medicine skills to heal those in the outer slums as he wanders the city looking for shadows. He also finally sends word to Fair Haven to Madame Mist and the potions he requested are making their way to him. Occasionally he would go with Khadgar to the University where he did research on the gods, specifically the Raven Queen.   26-Lobsters finds himself heading East out of the city to find a suitable tree to begin crafting an arcane staff. Using the Raven feather he received in Port Helen, and guidance from expert craftsmen and women, The result is a hewn staff of wood with the feather bound and focusing arcane energy. Occasionally, the feather seems to move on its own.   Khadgar was busy going all over town. He returned to the University of magic and met with Madeline Smith, deputy Headmistress of the school and head of the Transmutation department, as well as Cassandra Trewnal, head of the Divination department. After sharing the idea of the magical artifact he was thinking of, they reveal certain contacts and the fact that different reagents affect the enchantment in different ways. After discussing the different enchantment abilities, he made his way all over town securing the necessary contacts and all that remained was to bring back the eyes of a telepathic creature, a reagent needed for the enchantment.   Moana was perhaps the busiest of them all. Over the course of the 2 weeks he met with each party member alone and asked to borrow money. He also sent a letter to Esmeralda Nightshade in the Isle of the Dancing Scimitars:  
Dear Esmeralda,

Moana here. Do you remember me? I'm a friend of Varis who by the way misses you very much. Sometimes when he just needs to talk (mostly about how much he loves and misses you) I'm there to listen. It's a privilege really. It brings me joy to see his heart so full, and although he would never admit it, I see it.

Unfortunately, his spirits have been down lately, as we find ourselves in a hard situation. We're hot on the trail of some bad dudes would are doing worse things, and we want so badly to stop them. The love of my life almost died (her name is Rachel and I love her) and I, with the help of my friends, am determined to see them stopped. But we are low on funds (who knew renting a horse was so much?). We currently find ourselves in Avalon, and travel alone has all but drained our funds. I am using what little I have left to send this letter urgently to you.

While the rest of the group would never admit it or be willing, I am. So I humbly ask you, O Esmeralda, for any financial assistance you could provide. This would help raise spirits and be well spent. Don't worry, I won't let Varis spend it on drinks. But maybe just one, as I'm sure that's what you would do if you were here.

I eagerly await your reply.

~Moana (of the sea)
  And surprisingly he got a reply:  

To hear you and the others are alive and well brings me much comfort. After you left for Fair Haven, we lost contact with you and feared the worst. To hear this of Varis is no surprise to me. I am glad he has all of you to fight alongside him.

I cannot officially sanction aid to what appears at first glance a ragtag and of ruffians. You understand, I hope. But I know your heart is good and I shudder to think what other deeds Zelena is up to. Here is a small sum from my personal funds. May they serve you and the others well.

Calm seas, and may Calypso guide you on,

~ Crowned Tempest, Esmeralda Nightshade
All in all, Moana received over 500GP. As the second week was coming to a close, Esmeralda’s letter reminded him that he should send word to Rachel, but a simple letter would not do. He must get her something wonderful to show how much he still cares for her. Out looking for a shop with a beautiful item, he spies a group gathered around a table, a pile of gold in the middle and cards in hand.   Perhaps Tymora is with him today.
After gambling several rounds, losing some and winning some, he notices a final challenger, hidden by a cloak, raise the stakes. Not to be outdone, he goes all in. Unfortunately, Tymora was not with him.   The stranger reached for his now large pile of gold with black feline paws.   “Bad luck my friend.” lowering the hood to reveal a grinning Puck. “But I’ll tell you what. 1 more game, just you and me. Half of this gold you just lost, and this.” and on top of the gold he places a small black pouch. “After you.”   Moana wins the round and takes the gold and looks at the pouch, to find the gems from Myriam’s tower defenses.   Puck: “Seems I don’t have much use for those, but you all might. Your wizard, what was his name, eh… Khadgar. He can tell you what they are. Well, pleasure seeing you again.” and with that he scoops up his still very large pile of gold and he jingled his way out of sight.   Varis recounts wandering the town abit but nothing exciting happened, nor did he find any news to report.He does get a message from Esmeralda though, but does not read it aloud.


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