Kepti Character in Aevras | World Anvil
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The Dancing Lady, The Moon


Kepti ("kep-tee") is both the goddess of and the literal embodiment of the moon. She is most often depicted as a young woman with long black hair, dressed in a simple white dress. She dances joyfully with a white glowing shawl billowing behind her. Depending on her position as she spins, the white and black (reverse) sides of her shawl create the visible cycles of the moon.



(Coming Soon)

Worship & Rituals

(Coming Soon)


The Moon, Prophesy, Calendar, Months (literally same word as Moon), “Madness,” Beauty, Love, Dancing, Mothers, Pregnancy, Protection, Magic.


The New Year

Cover image: Public Domain
Character Portrait image: The Lunar Eclipse by Mickie Mueller


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