Jörgfurt Settlement in Aevras | World Anvil
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by Sina Abbasnia




Humans and Halflings

Praverianism (Bornican)

Common and Valic

Jörgfurt (translation evolved from "Jörg's Ford") sits atop--and within--a large hill nestled in the confluence of the Gutdal and Velmar Rivers. Though over half of the town's inhabitants are human, Jörgfurt's building-style resembles the hobbit holes that dominate the rural
The Shire by Andrew Read
countryside, however on a larger scale. The base of
the large hill is surrounded by a tall, newly-built wooden palisade, dotted with wooden watchtowers every hundred-or-so feet. Within the walls, there's a winding tangle of pathways, building-facades, turrets, roofs, and chimneys, disappearing into hill and creating the effect of an earth-bound citadel.

Though densely populated, each building managed to squeeze in at least a little fenced-in garden along the street-front, framing every front entrance. The riverfront (outside of the walls) is the only part of the town dominated by free-standing above-ground structures, constituting Jörgfurt's bustling docks. Hill-homes and hill-vineyards dot the rolling countryside beyond.



Primary: Wool and Wine
Secondary: Mead and Lavender

Wheat, Iron, Stone, Beer


(Coming Soon)


This two-story home--built into two asymmetrical hill-mounds--sits at the very top of the large hill that constitutes the town of Jörgfurt. The residence resembles the typical hill-home (or "hobbit hole"), but at a slightly grander scale with ornate wood-trimmed dormers poking out from the green hillside, and even a short turret hugging the side of the larger of the two hill-mounds. The "structure" is crowned by a short and gnarly scrub oak, flanked by two smoking stone chimneys of different heights.  
Bag End by John Howe
The interior of this house is much like one would expect from an over-sized hobbit hole, however with the unusual feature of a playfully curved wooden staircase leading to bedrooms on the second level. The previously mentioned turret hosts a small sitting area and writing table, conjoined with the home's small library.

Cover image: Public Domain


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