Kavhorian Empire Organization in Aetholl (Thélum) | World Anvil
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Kavhorian Empire

Encompassing the most nations out of any empire on the planet The Kavhorian Empire is a powerhouse for technological advancements and for military might.


The ruler is always the Emperor or Empress also referred to as The Sovereign and if they are killed then it falls the the Sovereign Ascendant to take charge. However if they are under the age of 16 then it will be the Lord Regent who will rule until the ascendant are of age to take the throne.

Public Agenda

The Kavhorian Empire seeks to protect its people from the threats of monsters both real and political.


They currently have the largest army in the entirety of Thélum rivialed only by the growing army of the Phudo Dynasty

The protection. The security. The order.

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items
Related Items
Notable Members

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