The Woundwest Bay Geographic Location in Aetheus | World Anvil

The Woundwest Bay

The Woundwest Bay (west Bay). The region is seemingly pock-marked with treacherous rocks, leading deeper towards the frontier between the Alflands and the Western Lorthal. A wild and barbarous region, choked by the drifting volcanic smoke peaking from the Blackrock Range - a difficult region to traverse even safely, but has become a home and hovel for dangerous sailors and folk alike. Legend says that the two bays were formed from a cataclysmic event that occurred whilst the gods resided in the world long ago, and activated the sleeping volcanoes of Blackrock Range, devastating the civilisation that once resided there. And having flooded the bays - the grounds once home to a growing and burgeoning civilisation. Once believed to be a magocracy of this region.