The Arkspire Covenant Organization in Aetheus | World Anvil

The Arkspire Covenant

The Elves of the Arkspire of Dione'Leona are united in purpose and in a long-term goal to reclaim the lost Alflands from their ancient empire across the world, to fulfill the ancient prophecy foretold in their people's history to reclaim the love of their god Arvanos, and be reunited altogether in their heavely paradise of Arvandor. So at once they may reclaim their second-lives that haunts their dreams and trances, until they lose sight of it as they grow old. It is a slow-draining curse that can only be felt by the oldest of their kin. To reunite the elves together, they must find the Lost Arkspires that lay scattered across the world and within the Outer Planes. From there, they can reconnect to the powerful Nexus that once interconnected them and find the Heart of Arvanos, the powerful conduit gifted by their forefather. And once more they can revive their deity, should they connect together the lost remnants of divinity and access the Arch-Heart.   Goals: 1. Reunite with the lost Arkspires and reclaim the lost elven artefacts of Arvanos. 2. Reconnect with the Nexus. 3. Destroy the Drow, all those that worship Lolth and lesser elves. 4. Reclaim the Alflands, by any means necessary. 5. Return to Arvanos' good graces. 6. Ultimately return to Arvandor.   Most efforts devoted to the reunion with the lost Arkspires is made by the Farseekers, otherwise known as the Reclaimers. Rangers, adventurers, and even entire Moon Elf nobles that devoted themselves to this task - the Arkspire offers to these folk a place amongst the Chosen to obtain a seat besides the Elder Heirs alongside the Queen and the Archmages. Otherwise, they have been left to wander the world, honour-bound to return only when they have reclaimed any means of information to the whereabouts or hints of the Lost Arkspires. Their dealings have been global, and are an information and shadow network across all of Aetheus. They are not a military group - they are wanderers seeking to reclaim a place within their home. Often persecuted by humans and elves. They will chase every lead and every story to retrieve what they can. It is their duty, it is their goal to bring salvation to their race.   Those that have delved to uncovering the lost secrets of the Nexus belong to the Archive of the Millenium Soul. These are devoted priests, clerics and inquisitive mages that are under the power of the Millenium Archmages; the eldest and brightest minds the elves can offer - devoted to understanding the universe, and the reclamation of the lost magics that were broken and destroyed during the Great Migration. Attempting to reverse-engineer the lost scrolls, and uncover not only the lost gates of the Nexus, but the means to traverse and access it and avoid the dangers that were installed to protect its security. All attempts to reclaim this knowledge is recorded in the Astral Codices, powerful archaic tomes began since the return of the elves nearly 700 years before. Protected by the guardians of this order, the Millenium Knights.   Those that devote themselves to the extermination of the Drow, are the zealous Order of the Silver Scorpion; these warriors are bred and trained from birth to combat the shadow, the lightning raids of the Drow and seek to traverse underworld - seeking their destruction. Taken and conscripted by the Queen, most elven orphans and at least every third child of elven lineage, and put under the watchful eye of the Scorpion Lord. Under the Vow of Vengeance, these eldritch knights and paladins of Arvanos are trained in the ways of Bladesinging. And become part of the Twilight Crusaders. Sealed in darkness, to naturally adjust to the light within - trained and mentored to realise the dangers of the Underdark, and positioned in strongholds that will delve deeply into the Underdark from one of the Twilight Gates provided by their order. These Knights are given full authority to pursue and achieve any means which reduce the Drow threat from the Elves, under the permission of the Queen, and the Church of Arvanos.   As part of the Arkspire Covenant, its armies fall under the banner of the Phoenix Guard. Their duties, along with the noble houses of the Arkspire of Dione'Leona is bound to recover and exfiltrate the lost Alflands that have been overrun by the kingdoms of men and dwarves.   The Church of Arvanos preaches its glorious message and recalls the ancient prophecy foretold by their great Archpriests in the vision granted to them from beyond the Divine Gate - ensuring that all abide their beloved father in his image; seeking to show the bounties of art, beauty, magic and change - offering great trade, commerce and relations with the other races, and a competitive mark against even the dwarves in their craftsmenship and skill. They seek to find beauty in all that they find, as well as further the cause of magic and the likes for the Arkspire.
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