Morpheus the Fantasy Lord in Aetheus | World Anvil

Morpheus the Fantasy Lord (MOR-fee-us)

Morpheus the Fantasy Lord. One of the Diabolical Ones, a grey and immoral being, the God of Dreams, Nightmares, Omens, Memories, Psychological Terror and Torment.   Dreams are a powerful weapon, yet unrealized, it is within the nightmare, that action is birthed, in fear that wisdom is gained. Morpheus, the Lord of Nightmares, ever in a constant struggle with himself, seeks to sow fear, doubt and suffering. It is his intention through these things, sentient beings may know understanding. Morpheus is a calm, calculating and ruthless god. Dreams are a powerful force, they flow through all sentient creatures and serve as source of inward reflection and truth. Sometimes they can look outward, discovering the truth of things in the world and even the future. Morpheus is the caretaker of this powerful force, a being with a wispy form and strange words. He is a patient, caring yet aloof deity.   "The Mind is so easily betrayed."

Church of Morpheus


Known as the Morpheans, or worshippers of Dreams & Memory. They wear silver masks and often disguise themselves to deceive those around them. He has a small following. Those who worship him include artists, bards, cartographers, inventors, lore-masters, sages, scholars, scribes, wizards, archivists and even druids. Mainly dreamers worship him.



Temples & Shrines

He holds no shrines, and merely is worshipped wherever those that go to sleep - and is prayed to before and after sleep.


He lives in the Tower of Thought, in a peaceable kingdom of Arcadia, from where he watches over a host of lost memories. Also residing within the regions close to the River Styx.

Divine Domains

Life - Dreams - Knowledge - Death

Holy Books & Codes

He doesn't have a holy book, but possesses a vast knowledge of past and future events.

Divine Symbol

A crooked staff. - A broken mirror.

Tenets of Faith



Knowledge, particularly the raw knowledge of memory, is supreme. A memory has no weight, but it can move mountains. The greatest gift of humankind, a memory outweighs anything made by mortal hands. Knowledge is power and must be used with care, but hiding it away from others is never a good thing. Stifle no new ideas, no matter how false and crazed they seem; rather, let them be heard and considered. Spread knowledge wherever it is prudent to do so. Curb and deny falsehoods, rumour, and deceitful tales whenever you encounter them. Write down or copy memories of great value at least once a year and give it away.   The Lord is never quite what you think he is. Truth is a worthless thing to know and worth even less to speak aloud. Never speak truth where falsehood will suffice. Cherish and further illusions and rumours, for distortion and legend are what make folk happy and life alluring. Hiding a thing gives it value by the very act of cloaking.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

He works on a method to save all memories of every mortal and divine being for eternity, as well as a way to retrieve memories that were lost to the River Styx.

Personal History

Morpheus was a being present by the time the mortal races began to inhabit the world, after the Great Founding of the Divines. He was spawned from the imaginations of all the races combined.   In the apparent spread of mortals, many gods spawned and shared their divinity to enrich the world - Morpheus did no such thing. Morpheus, decided to supersede it all, and found a place of living memory, illusion and imagination. A plane of thought manifest. Through his divinity, he became the master of his own realm. A place much like the Shadowfell and the Feywild, but a place in which all living and sentient creatures may pass into - known as the Dreamspace. He portioned out the Ethereal Plane, and melded it into his own reality - empowered by the millions of lives that exist in Aetheus, and of his own making. A place between life and death.   It is believed that Arvanos met him in this place, long long ago - as he was portioning out the realms and outer planes. Magic seemed to thrive in this place, as it was imagination manifest. It was a place that was beyond time and space as it was known in the Material Plane.   Here, every creature, every sentient being, had a twin spirit within the realm - one that represented the Spirit and Mind of the being. Morpheus could reside there in peace, away from the other gods - as caretaker and steward over his realm.   He was met with Bwom'Sambdi and the other deities of the Primordial Green; and he did not interrupt the balance of nature, rather, imbued it with an essence beyond the physical and material. And he was master there - he sought a treaty beyond it, making it the realm of power. Mortals could not physically walk in the dream, rather, the dream operated in a timescale quicker than that of the mortal realm - hence why it seems unremarked when those awaken from their dream. A person's emotions, manifest in the dream - for good or bad - intrinsically tied to the Material Realm.   The deities that seem to affect the realm further, are those that affect the emotions of their portfolio - most powerfully, was Romeus (Grief, Sorrow, Love), his being the strongest emotions; the gods Maevereki (Joy), Quorlinn (Denial, Jealousy), Craevan (Compassion), Bane (Terror, Dread), Promethea (Hope), Kaijos (Greed), Tharizdun (Hatred, Madness), Sekoloth (Anger), Null (Fear, Pity), Venarion (Innocence), Eostara (Naivety) Freya (Diligence), Vernoron (Uncertainy), Boreas (Wisdom), Uk'otoa (Fury, Horror) gave different manifestations and otherwise.   Morpheus remained unassuming throughout the ages and eras - the Dreamscape manifesting different energies, and some that wished to escape into the real world - but was maintained by his own spirits. He protected the essences of life within this domain.   Eventually, Morpheus became too meddled between the Dream and the Nightmare that spread across the Dreamscape - and thus, he divided his own essence, into twin spirits to maintain the composition of the world he created.   Embodying the same name, but different titles. Morpheus, the Dream Lord. Morpheus, the Living Nightmare.  

Physical Appearance