Carpe Som Settlement in Aetheus | World Anvil

Carpe Som

A fertile port known as the breadbasket of the coast, bordering Sombraden territory - the most changed and peaceful of the city states; reputed with natural earthmounds formed from the old revolution against the Old Banaethlin Empire and dried-coral bays drawn from the ancient era before the Cataclysm; forming a natural barrier and 'petrified forest' city partially submerging into water, guarded by potent and magical koi-fish protected by the Sombraden bugbears that settled into civilisation. The Koi-Garda, ruled equally by two rulers, a Bugbear merchant prince and a Goblin 'duchess' - of the Sombradan, Havel Stripebow, and the noble blood of the orange-skinned clan of the Ironfists, Aevilla Pridepalm. Here rests many plantations and manors that grow the vibrant fruits of the region, procure farms that grow up by the cliffside, and cleared the riverside tree-line to have access to arable grounds - but features a prominent hunters culture that takes from both land and sea, particularly the hunters guild known as the Seven-Headed Snakes, taking after hunts of particularly dangerous hydra and large game and dinosaurs within the Great Jungle of Dredjericho.   Such a union is unheard of - especially to the Zimmarks of the Bronzimm Concord; but it has been a necessary tradition throughout the recent centuries in order to appease the zealous Sombraden and keep in order the natural laws they abide by in the jungle. Havel Stripebrow is seen much as an outsider in the Cloud Court and an interloper, not participating in the occasional meetings but set out to maintain balance and peace in the region, and the prosperous growth and preservation of the land. Meanwhile, Aevilla Pridepalm maintains a monopoly of power, secured by her royal lineage from the hero of the Great Revolutions, and dubs herself the Queen of Carpe Som. She is the leader to the Skypelts, otherwise referred to as the Iron-Sky Court. Retaining a royal guard of koi-scale armoured goblins trained in the rites of the Aevonfists, the great monks responsible for the protection of the Concord's great heroic bloodline. She rules with a fair and firm fist, and is beloved by the people for her generous offerings & the blessings of the Sacred Koi that bring prosperous harvests from the rivers, and clean waters. Although she is especially concerned about the growing rot that is spreading out from the Pallid March, and the inciting conflicts between the city and the zealous Sombradan clan, and their denouncing of the Serpents Sublime.   Aevilla rules from her stronghold in the central quarter, known as "Pridefort", an earthwork construction with confusing garden-patterns & complicated structures & multiple layers to dismay any attacker; but also to grant bounties of food and goods, and prosperous shelter to the people in times of flood, storm or bad harvest. Sited with great stone statues of heroes long-since past, and inspired by flairs from innovative goblin artists, architects and engineers, as well as materials from the jungle wood, mountain stone and petrified coral. Here one may see the many water-way bridges that lead to the cities port, the aquaducts, into the Bay - the dinosaur pens & granary stores, but also its great towers that lead towards the jungle canopy.   Carpe Som was founded from the bounty of the jungles fruits and valuable trees of the region. Early on, the Hobgoblins of Banaethlin realised the potential of the vital natural fruits, crops and vegetables that grew within the southern regions of the Dredjericho Jungle, close to the Pallid March. Bananas, papayas, oranges, tangerines, coconuts, pineapples, mangoes, lemons, strawberry guavas, jagua (its juices used for ceremonial body art), avocadoes, grapefruit, figs, dates, cocoa beans, passionfruit, bacaba (cooked into a drink), rumberries harvested from the rivers, goldenberries, star-fruit, guanabana, star apples, pond apples, naranjillla, Kariff plum and mandarins. Producing sweet jellies, jams, salads, fruits and otherwise. Not to mention pumpkins, gourds, tomatoes, carrots, and spice trees. In addition, the region holds a vast array of medicinal herbs serving to aid in helping those with chronic headaches, irritable bowels, colds, flu, and other ailments - referred to as "Holy Herbs". Most fruit grow from the tree canopy, falling to the ground - most of the population have developed means to traverse through the treetops and have arboreal climbing-stairs and rope-bridges, and canopy-level farms above the ground to avoid the potential floods across this region. Hence the site was chosen in order to feed the burgeoning armies of the Hobgoblins, and the goblins were put to service against it.   The creatures of this region are also wild and varied: tigers, giant serpents and insectoids, great river spider-crabs, monkeys, gorillas, girallion, apes, birds of paradise, jaguars, velociraptors, allosaurs, triceratops, hadrosaurs, gallimimus, pterodactyls, bats, parrots, spiders, frogs, alligators, crocodiles, lizards, wolves, worgs, axebeaks, apirs, and many more exotic creatures. Most are hunted and preserved in number, some having become domesticated over time and forcefully over the goblins occupation over the region. Smaller creatures are taken as small game, or even household pets - meanwhile the dinosaurs are the most prized game, while others are left to dwell in the wild. Poisonous creatures and venomous creatures are looked upon with great distain and are likely seen as pests and exterminated - for the regions hatred and fear of Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent; thus frogs, lizards, snakes, serpents, salamanders and amphibians are exterminated wherever found. The greatest pests are the smallest however - being the mosquitoes, the spread of disease and often those that become parasites in fruit and food crops. Seasonally approaching in the Hot Season, becoming the regions worst pest. Despite the efforts of the Seven-Headed Snakes hunting guild, they face opposition from the zealous Sombraden occupants to the east that infest the regions, causing great issues and infestations - and most see to it that they exterminate any and all infected from the spores that emanate across Malevolem and the infestations that occasionally bloom across the Dredjericho Jungle.
Large city