The country before Cadmus: Sodom Organization in Aetherios | World Anvil
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The country before Cadmus: Sodom

An endless warzone where people lived in fear of powers greater than themselves. War and all of its hardships were commonplace. It was destroyed in a war between two greater countries, not of its own making.   Near the end of the War of Seven Nations, the country of Sodom discovered a new energy. This energy was volatile and overwhelming in its might. The order discovered a way to contain and preserve the power: in the bodies of Users. In the fight with the surrounding nations the nation of Sodom did the unthinkable. They infused Etherion into the bodies of hundreds of their people (who were willing) turning them into living weapons that would spread out over the face of the world. Men, women, and children turned into Etherion bombs, each sent around the world to refugee camps, the front lines, and government offices. Amidst the battle of the nations no one would even look at their people. Hundreds of Etherion bombs detonated simultaneously across the world. But the power of the blasts were beyond what even Sodom could imagine. The blast turned the world to dust and echoes. All of their advancements were instantly overwhelmed by the Etherion particles. Only small pockets of each civilization survived. Overwhelmed by radiation sickness, the fall of civilization, and the overflowing power of their world, the kingdoms and nations regressed to tribal states as a means to survive. The remnants of Sodom also survived, reorganizing into an Order and naming themselves Cadmus. They never forgot and they never stopped.
Geopolitical, Country


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