Scarlett Character in Aetherios | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Born into the tribe which called themselves the old folk, she was raised to believe the Arketts were slowly invading their world and that the mutations happening in humans was their fault. Though she was not a member she spent much of her time with a fellow tribe known as the huntresses. She was an excellent warrior and a greater sniper than anyone had ever seen. The reason for this is because she was a user. She had the ability to amplify her perception and senses making her an excellent predator. Though she loved her gift she had to keep it a secret from her people. If they knew what she was, she would be cast out or worse. She blamed the Arketts for her situation and devoted her talents to bringing them down. On her first mission she went to a village that was being harassed by a local group of Arketts. When the fighting broke out she took aim at one of them. An explosion sent her over the edge of a cliff, but to her surprise she was saved by an Arkett. That fact that she was saved by her enemy infuriated her. Time and time again she would fight with this particular Arkett never once being able to kill him. As she hunted him she began to see things about his character. He wasn’t a monster, or a killer, or anything her tribe claimed they were. Through conversations between sword fights, she learned why he came down and what he was trying to do. After he saved her from her brother, she went back to her people and questioned their standings. For that she was given a choice. Kill the Arkett she’d been seeing or be exiled. She chose exile. The two were married by the traditions of a more friendly tribe who welcomed the Arketts. The best man was the family guardian, Avilon. The groomsmen included Arel, a childhood friend from the tribe. Soon the two had a son and traveled to Kalarock’s home. Though their leader Cordis welcomed the family with open arms, the rest of the Arketts did not. During the namegiving something happened her husband wouldn't explain. Something wrong. They returned to the lower plain a found a place to call their own. During this time they stumbled on many refugees from both the humans and the Arketts. Her own brother was among them, cast out for refusing to hunt anymore Arketts. The village was her idea and together they made it work. For a time the village prospered and their son had a happy childhood. Then one day the village was attacked. The family lost track of each other. Her brother saved her from the assailants and vowed to find her son. She escaped and found her husband injured. He helped many escape, but ones he couldn't weren't so lucky. They found their son and escaped back to her husband's people. There they tried to live in peace but the persecution was vast. Something changed in their son he was completely submissive to others cruelty. The beatings, backbiting, the malice. He accepted them all with a smile on his face. Her son had become so use to pain he couldn't hear his own angwish. He had learned to hate himself as the rest of the world did. Heartbroken, she devoted everything she had into trying to heal his wounds through love and kindness. She knew the truth. She knew her brother was responsible for what happened to her precious son. From that point on she had no brother. They returned to her husband's people. The tragedy was all the Arketts needed to begin a call to arms. Kalarock and Cordis worked tirelessly to keep them from returning to all out war, but it was a diminishing attempt. One day Jarock went out with his friend Skyra, the only Arkett who treated him with any kindness. When her husband returned he was holding their precious boy in his arms. She asked what happened and so her husband told her everything. The namegiving, the Primordial sword, everything. She begged him to take them away from all this. If he believed in letting his son choose his own destiny, then they should flee and give him that chance. In that instant their island was attacked. The Arketts had attacked and wanted their son. She fought against them but was caught in an explosion. She didn't know what happened after that. The family Guardian Avalon had taken her back to the lower plain. Her husband was killed and her son had fallen into the sea. Time would heal most of her wounds, but not her eyes or her heart.


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