The glade of transformation Geographic Location in Aetheria | World Anvil
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The glade of transformation

Found within an ethereal cluster of trees, suffused with an otherworldly magic. This is one of the many locations in Aetheria where the power of Aether crystals are concentrated to such an extent that the land is embued with magic.   An Intriguing pool can be found at it's centre   It was here drawn by its allure, Poppy Quickfoot approached the pool, only to experience a startling transformation of gender. Recalling a fairy tale from her grandmother's stories, she resisted the temptation to immerse herself fully, realizing the potential permanence of the change.   Within the glade time passes 4 times quicker than in the rest of Aetheria. Together, Adventurers of Aetheria managed to escape the enchanting grasp of this magical place, which is enchanted to return all but the most strong willed who try to leave.

Fauna & Flora

Giant enchanted mushrooms and other magical flora can be found here.


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