Haven Hills Settlement in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Haven Hills

Small Mill community to the north east of The Old Bridge comprising of a Tavern, Windmill, watermill, stable, housing. Population Approximately 30; primarily human, some elf and half-elf.   The housing comprises of six homes in a cresent shape on a looped road to the north west of the mills and tavern.   The tavern is a single storey wooden building, with a reinforced wooden door and a dirt floor covered in straw. Accomodations consist of straw mats near the hearth. it is located just south of an outcrop of rock. The street outside is strewn with the rubble and debris of a collapsed building.  
No.Food & DrinkPrice
1Vegetable Stew, Mug of Beer3 cp
2Wheat Porridge, Mug of Bitter5 cp
3Pickled Capon and Mushrooms, Tankard of Cider9 cp
4Vegetable Stew, Mug of Ale4 cp
5Buckwheat Biscuits and Whey Cheese, Mug of Mead2 cp


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