The Rebellion against Cruorlena Lubidra - PROMPT #31 A bloody coup, rebellion or uprising Military Conflict in Aetheria | World Anvil
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The Rebellion against Cruorlena Lubidra - PROMPT #31 A bloody coup, rebellion or uprising

PROMPT #31 A bloody coup, rebellion or uprising - The Rebellion against Cruorlena Lubidra
After the murder of the people’s beloved Dark Oracle, the indwelled Lady Fleur of Adamos, by First Princess Lubidra, the princess was thrown into the Dust Realm with her lover, the Black Huntsman, by her father Crown Prince Lucix. The late Dark Oracle emerged from the Gate of The Devourer’s realm and returned the princess, declaring that Lubirdra was the true heir-vessel of the Cruortrix and killing the Crown Prince. Now Queen, Lubirdra demanded that all who would not pledge loyalty to her die. Since only a few Cruortrix priestesses and Umbracruor mage-priests saw the Dark Oracle’s return from the Devourer’s Realm, none of the common people believed or supported Lubidra as the new queen-vessel. Angry, she ordered the residents of Umbrahemos Templos brought to the Temple to be sacrificed so she could release the Devourer on the enemies of her new kingdom.
The Master Assassin Xangriel reported to his sect and word was spread about Lubidra murdering Fleur and Lucix, rumors that had civil war raging on Xelusia in one night between the common people who loved the Dark Oracle Fleur and the Priest class who saw her murder Lucix and declare Lubidra to be the true Cruorlena. The Xelusian commoners and the Brotherhood assassins stormed the Temple and slayed dozens of the Cruortrixes and Umbracruor before the Cruorlena attacked them with shadow tendrils of dark magic. Many were seized alive and cast through the realm gate at the top of the temple into the Devourer’s realm. Queen Lubidra suddenly stopped hurling them through and began holding them as she cut their throats to fill the giant censers with blood. It was reported by members of the Xangui Xacorum Brotherhood that she then ordered the entire city sacrificed. As the Temple’s Berserker Blood Warriors dragged many from their homes, they found themselves attacked by the citizens who always treated them with respect and fear. The Brotherhood assassins and half of the Priests and Priestess also fought against the mass sacrifices.
On the second day after the rebellion began. Cruorlena Lubidra used Sirens’ magic to subdue and enthrall all who refused her. They walked themselves into the cells below the temple. Only those who hid in enchanted obsidian rooms were protected until the Berserkers came for them. The great blood censers and cisterns overflowed but Lubidra did not fill or light the containment altars, so when the Gate was opened the Devouring Entity the Xelusians had made their god feasted on their world’s biomass and life-glow. The surface of their star was shattered by the escaping creature before the star collapsed back in on its self and created a larger version of the entity's pocket dimension prison. The aftermath of Xelusia Prime exploding and the close proximity of Aetheria Prime and its planets meant all the worlds in both systems were destroyed or stripped of life.
Excerpt from A Huntsman’s Horror.
Yurieth watched person after person being dragged forward to be sacrificed. He noticed Tenefa standing to the side, holding a bowl of incense. When she turned, he was horrified at the still bleeding lines on her back. As the night passed, several of those being murdered shouted their defiance.
  One particularly bold woman wearing the robe of an acolyte Cruortrix spat at Lubidra. “You are not the true queen, Imposter. The Dark Oracle is the true vessel of the Cruorlena, and Prince Lucix should be the Umbrarex King!”
An Umbracruor mage slapped her. “The Dark Oracle stepped from the Gate and returned Lubidra to us. The Devourer sent her back to us with the revelation of Lucix’s treachery against our ways.”
“Liar! Lady Fleur loved us!” the priestess screamed.
“Do you really believe that?”
Queen Lubidra stepped forward and grabbed the defiant priestess’s jaw. “I am the Cruorlena. All will worship me, or their blood will burn.”
Her eyes were empty black, and her hair was ebony and brown like dirt and burnt oil. Her skin was grayish, corpse-like. She looked hideous and Yurieth absently wondered if she realized how she truly appeared because her vanity would not have accepted her appearance before she was indwelled. Black vines of dust and dark magic crawled over the Cruortrix’s skin and she screamed in agony as it cut curling lines into her flesh.
Tenefa looked away as her temple sister was murdered, then she dragged the still bleeding corpse away. After she threw it into the burning pit, Yurieth pulled her into an alcove.
“Why are you still here?” Yurieth demanded.
Tenefa looked at him with haunted eyes but demanded, “Are my children safe? Did Lady Fleur keep her word?”
“Good. You need to go,” she turned away.
“Tenefa,” Yurieth whispered after her.
She turned back, “My soul and my blood serve the Dark Oracle. She told me to stay here so I will see her again and that someday I will go into the Light.” Then she walked back to the horror of the sacrifices.
Shaken, Yurieth vanished into the shadows when another Cruortrix priestess came, dragging another body. He returned to his perch and watched. By the next morning, they had run out of victims.
As Xelusia Prime climbed higher, Lubidra stood in front of a few hundred priests, priestesses, and warriors. Weird shadow tentacle seemed to thrash in an unfelt violent wind as she chanted in the oldest form of the Umbralingua. The shadow wisps settled into the carved lines of the temple. It wicked the blood through the stone furrows like gauze. The black water mirror of the Gate of the Devourer reflected the creature within Lubidra’s body. As the blood flowed upward toward her and the Gate, he realized what she was about to do.

The Conflict


On Aetheria for the Planetary Allignment Ball, Prince Lucix's followers managed to rescue Lady Fleur of Adamos, an oracle who was indwelled by the Cruorlena entity,  after she razed the Winter Castle of Adamos. Taking Fleir to the Towers of Xelusia, she became the Dark Oracle. Xelusian Crown Prince Lucix intended to marry her and claim the mantle of the Umbrarex (Lord of Shadows) before declaring war on Aetheria. However at the Allignement ball, Lubidra attacked Fleur and King Arxis of Aetheria and the Xelusians were forced to flee back to their world. Lucix intended to sacrifice Lubidra and burn her blood to seal the entity to himself. However, Lubidra escaped her imprisonment and murdered the Dark Oracle. As punishment for killing the vessel of the Queen entity, Lucix had her and her lover, the Black Huntsman, through the Gate of the Devourer after he killed King Arxis.


The Priest-class divided. Half stood with the Queen and her Berserker Blood Warriors, half joined the Brotherhood Assassins and citizens who were loyal to the Dark Oracle and Prince Lucix.


City of Umbrahemos Templos

The Engagement

The people resisted for 2 days before being subdued by sirens magic and dark magic, everyone in the city was then sacrificed to feed the blood fires and free the Devourer. However in her madness, Lubridra did not light the containment altars and the Devourer escape its prison and ravaged Xelusia for biomass and life-glow. The surface of their star was shattered by the escaping creature before the star collapsed back in on its self and created a larger version of the entity's pocket dimension prison. The aftermath of Xelusia Prime exploding and the close proximity of Aetheria Prime and its planets meant all the worlds in both systems were destroyed or stripped of life.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Third day of Cataclysm War
Ending Date
Great Cataclysm

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Aug 5, 2021 13:41 by Dimitris Havlidis

Thank you so much for submitting to my category - and I comment you on your work. I would suggest that you might want to break down the text a bit into smaller paragraphs it will make it so much easier to read :)

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

Aug 8, 2021 01:35 by Mama Magie PenumbraMine

I made a youtube video about my World Anvil Experience. I enjoyed it SO MUCH. I am so happy I found this platform and am looking forward to finishing the World of Aetheria.

Aug 9, 2021 03:46 by Dimitris Havlidis

Hey that is amazing - I will show this to Janet as well :) I am so very glad to hear that you have really enjoyed SC :D   Time to get some editing done and start building!

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop