The Traverse Tradition / Ritual in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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The Traverse (Tra-verse)

"Welcome to Our Lands"

C.R. Eede
The Traverse
  • Translation: 'The Day of Indifference'
  • Duration: Five months during one reign
  • Original Name: Thinduru
During these sacred months, Aethel Caeloria opens its gates to the rest of Caede Galair to experience new cultures and make the kingdom more diverse. All races are welcome, including those who have wronged the kingdom in the past. Not only does the kingdom accept new races, but it is also a day to forgive past hostilities. The Traverse forges new friendships between high elves and other races, giving the rest of the world a chance to experience life behind the invisible barrier of Aethel Caeloria. These months are only celebrated once during each sovereign reign.


The Sacred Days of Aethel Caeloria: 'L'amatru,' 'Traverse,' and 'Yilipha' became officially recognised holy days within Aethel Caeloria that everyone had to participate in. Not only would the natives of Aethel Caeloria celebrate these days, but the royal family would also sit amongst their people as equals to recognise these critical days. This was worshipped for three-five months during each reign. The only marked change in history was the name change of 'Thinduru' to the 'Traverse' in 1001 NE.


Traverse Significance: The traverse signifies the acceptance of other cultures, races, and elves regardless of where they originate from, putting differences aside to learn about their lifestyles. It is the only time Varcanians can forge friendships with elves out of the kingdom and resourceful connections for business and trade.


There are no critical roles in this tradition because everyone is welcome. It is used as a basis for accepting new elves into the kingdom to learn about Aethel Caelorian culture and how it intertwines with the rest of the world, even if only by a little bit.
The Traverse: Aethel Caeloria opens its gates to the rest of Caede Galair to experience new cultures and make the kingdom more diverse.
The Sacred Day Name Change: The celebration's original name was 'Thinduru,' but it changed to 'The Traverse' in 1001 NE.
Related Organizations
Welcoming of Elves: Aethel Caeloria allows elves of all cultures and races to step foot through their gates to experience their way of life. While they cannot permanently reside within the capital, visitors can trade with businesses, create new connections, admire the monumental structures, and meet significant individuals, including the royal bloodline.
The Traverse in C'avarnia: The capital makes an excessive effort to ensure elves from other territories are welcomed in their lands. Hence, they raise banners from each kingdom to make elves feel more welcomed. The capital becomes a colourful place with flags, bunting, and decorations hanging from buildings and across the sky via a thin rope.

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