Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai Building / Landmark in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai (Knee-lair-ian-Vah-fass-aye)

"Speak in Silence and Nelaeryn will answer."

C.R. Eede
Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai:
  • Name: Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai
  • Symbolism: Simplicity, Unconditional and Intimate Love, Inner Peace, and Harmony.
  • Recognition: 2410 NE
  • Contribution: It offers a place of private prayer and somewhere traditional to become betrothed.
  • Location: Rhyzeal Stream, C'avarnia.
This is a short and small pathway leading away from the Glazed Temple, sitting by the edge of Jujinal Wall on the far east side. A little stone temple with light pink and white flowers surrounds it, and on the inside is a statue of Nelaeryn holding a solid saer candle. It is translated into ‘Nelaeryn’s Light’ and is a place for elves to pray and sit with their thoughts in silence. This is a place of worship and where marriages are made official.

Purpose / Function

The Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai is used as a prayer statue for elves who don't want to enter the Haven of Solaris surrounded by others. The Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai's surroundings are relatively quiet, with therapeutic candles lit around it for ease of mind. Additionally, high elves can get married at this statue, knowing Nelaeryn is looking down on them respectfully as two become one with their oath forever binding.  Suppose travellers want to say a prayer to Nelaeryn without entirely devoting themselves to the high elven religion. In that case, they may sit by the Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai and whisper/pray their concerns to him. It offers elves a silent sense of comfort and knowing that their prayers have been heard and potentially acknowledged by a higher being.


There have been three alterations made to the Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai over the years, but they have been very minute:
  1. The Teardrop Outline: The outline around the teardrop-shaped roof didn't use to be there. It was added during the late stages of Miha Aalarelai's reign.
  2. The Hanging Lanterns: Hanging lanterns used to be made of wood but were later changed to rectangular saer ones. 
  3. The Lace Curtains: The curtains used to be made of white velvet but were changed to lace so that the statue wasn't as closed off. 


Due to the Nelaeryn Y'vaphasia being a small temple, it doesn't occupy a large amount of room, but that doesn't make it any less significant. The structure is just as crucial as the Haven of Solaris. Architecture as below:
  • The Foundation: This consists of glossy white ornate marble with an underlying layer of thin stone. 
  • The Steps: There are two steps atop the foundation, small and consisting of the same white glossy marble. 
  • The Columns: Six ornate marble stone columns surround the statue and keep the roof overhead steady. The shaft is entirely white, whereas the capital and base are light gold, and finally, the pedestal is dark gold with saer branch patterns engraved around it. 
  • The Teardrop Roof: A black iron teardrop-shaped roof sits atop the six columns. The roof is small and doesn't stand taller than the first floor of the Glazed Temple. 
  • Teardrop Roof Outline: Around the outline of the teardrop roof is a thin black stone wall with runic symbols engraved into the centre with gold filling. No one knows what these runic symbols mean other than it had something to do with their god, Nelaeryn.
  • Lace Curtains: A white lace curtain attached to the inner roof of the structure surrounds the statue, protecting it from the seasons and ensuring it remains pristine. 
  • The Statue: The statue of Nelaeryn shows him kneeling back on the heels of his feet while holding out a candle in one hand. The other hand holds a small saer bowl, which the candle rests on. The face of this statue looks directly at the elves offering him a prayer, while its body is wrapped in soft white linen. The figure is made of ornate white marble and is regularly polished to ensure its elegance continues throughout all the ages.
  • The Candles: There are small candles in saer bowls spread around the statue of Nelaeryn, which signify the prayers made by elves. 
  • The Hanging Lanterns: There are two hanging saer lanterns on either side of the statue. 


While the structure doesn't have any immediate defences, it is located between the Glazed Temple and Silencium and is protected by the Varcanai Guard anyway. When there are many elves at the Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai, the Varcanai Guard ensures at least four stands to attention to ensure the elves praying are well protected.


2998 NE:
  • Y’vaphasai Undergoes Construction: A statue for silent prayer is constructed
2990 NE:
  • Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Addition: The statue had white velvet curtains added to the inner part of the structure
2857 NE:
  • Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Candles: The high elves decided to light candles around the statue to present their prayers to their god, Nelaeryn.
  • Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Lanterns: An addition was made to the structure, fixing two wooden hanging lanterns to either side of the statue for illumination purposes.
2733 NE: 
  • Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Roof Outline: A poet had a dream he was convinced was a message from Nelaeryn and had four runic symbols inscribed into the outline of the roof and filled the carving with gold to signify its importance.
2410 NE:
  • Y’vaphasai Construct is Completed: A small ornate white temple used for prayer with a saer statue of Nelaeryn holding a candle.
1540 NE:
  • Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Lantern Whispers: The lantern's purpose was initially for illumination at night, but over the many years, elves’ have come to believe that light throughout the night indicates that Nelaeryn’s spirit is with them, offering a ghostly embrace through prayer.
  • Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Candle Whispers: It is said through the high elven culture that the candles that have been blown out have been acknowledged, the ones still lit are being considered, and the ones that have completely melted have been denied.
234 NE:
  • Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Curtain Change: The curtains of the statue had been changed from velvet to white lace.
2 VO:
  • The Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Targeted: Vivaleth, the Forsaken Commander, tried to break the statue and erect one in her image.
  • The Caelorian Guard Patriotism: The Caelorian Guard, led by Paerel Aalarelai, Naerynidam Tythal, and Imazeal M’ithai, fought the Ashen and Vivaleth, taking back the Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai.
100 VO:
  • The Caelorian Guard’s Solemn Duty: The Caelorian Guard rebuild the Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai, eradicating any remnant of Vivaleth’s presence and the Ashens' ashes.
1001 VO:
  • The Nelaeryn Y’vaphasai Officially Recognised: This structure is officially recognised as a solemn statue within Rhyzeal Stream.
Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai: This is a place of silent prayer where elves can speak to Nelaeryn in a private space and away from prying eyes. It is also used as a place to get married, knowing Nelaeryn offers his blessing to the betrothed couple.
Religious Affiliation: Elves may sometimes desire to worship Nelaeryn together as a couple in silence, which is accepted at the statue. As long as the elves respect the quiet environment and place a candle beside the statue, their prayer will be acknowledged.
Founding Date
2410 NE
Alternative Names
Nelaeryn's Light
Environmental Effects
On either side of the structure are two thin streams that attach to Rhyzeal Stream. It adds a tranquil aesthetic to the surrounding area.
Owning Organization
Vivaleth's Jealousy: In 2 VO, the Forsaken Commander tried to demolish the Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai and erect a new one in her image, but she was pushed back by the Caelorian Guard led by Dihavanor's younger brother, Paerel Aalarelai.
The Poet's Dream: In 2337 NE, an anonymous poet had a dream and informed the reigning king at the time of the importance of engraving four runic symbols into the Nelaeryn Y'vaphasai. Unwilling to argue, the king agreed to his demands and allowed him to make the relevant adjustments to the structure. Once the adjustment was made, the poet went missing and was never found again. To this day, no one knows what the runic symbols mean.

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