Miha Ponds Building / Landmark in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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Miha Ponds (Me-ha-Pond-s)

Where Equilibrium Flourishes

C.R. Eede
Miha Ponds:
  • Name: Miha Ponds
  • Size: One acre (208 feet) of land
  • Recognition:
  • Contribution: Miha Ponds don't contribute anything other than a natural habitat for fauna and flora.
  • Location: C'avarnia, Northeast
The Miha Ponds are surrounded by Rhyzeal stream that blossoms with Caelorian nature. Within the area are different-sized ponds with a grass footpath for elves to walk on and admire nature. Near the front of the site is a medium-sized pond filled with two fishes considered a natural beauty within the high elven culture. At the rear of the land is a large body of water for elves to relax in, with steamy springs behind them on a layered slope for enhanced enjoyment. Within this area are vast species of amphibians, avian species, and a few mammals who use Miha Ponds as their habitat. This area is known as a harmonious balance, offering the mammals a place of respite.

Purpose / Function

The Miha Ponds serve no purpose other than a place of respite for mammals and other species. The area is usually quiet, but the subtle vocalisations of mammals can be heard from a short distance away. The high elves can enter Miha Ponds as long as they remain respectful to flora and fauna around them. Elflings would often play in this area while elves could socialise here.   The Water Tamers: The Water tamers have always been from House Larson within C'avarnia. They have a bountiful knowledge of pond rehabilitation. Each elfa is trained at House Tythal and later House M'ithai, where their knowledge is increased within the Teyidorai dome and Village of the Phray, where pond life is rife. This allows them to practise their craft while developing themselves in the field. Each elfa's name always begins with an 'L' for tradition's sake. The current ones are:
  • Lithrel Larson
  • Lynsee Larson
  • Lanelo Larson
  • Lorphina Larson


Few species reside within Miha Ponds, and they co-exist in harmony:
  • Anos and Rese
  • The Simnthred
  • The Mina
  • The Tuyx
  • The F'itidana and Nagtaive Birds
Trust had mainly developed between these species during the War of Faith's before and after they fought Vivaleth and the Ashen. Anos Rese became a pair of Alpha's before the War and demonstrated perfect leadership qualities within the animal kingdom.


The only alterations to Miha Ponds are the trimming and yearly care of the surrounding nature to ensure it doesn't become too overgrown. The Water Tamers must carefully tend to the flora while respecting their surrounding environment. Additionally, House Syldan and House Larson would sometimes collaborate to ensure everything runs smoothly.


Miha Ponds is only filled with flora and fauna. There are no buildings within it. It has been naturally grown over thousands of years for the benefit of the fauna. See the features below:
  • Grass: Within the entire area of land is short green and white grass. Green grass appears during the warmer months, and white grass grows during the colder seasons.
  • Fish Pond: The largest pond is the home of Anos and Rese. It has bushes of orchids and lilies around the edges and trimmed hedges within the body of water for the fish to swim around. Additionally, there is a small waterfall that bends over the side of Anos and Rese's pond giving them more water to swim in. 
  • Other Ponds: Small and medium-sized ponds are found throughout the area, with different fishes and amphibians habituated within. Surrounding these ponds are flowers and small trimmed bushes.
  • Rear Body of Water: At the back of the land, a large body of water is regularly filtered for use by the high elves. The body of water is shallow and deep for elves of all swimming levels. Surrounding this body of water is a safe rocky border, which acts as a bowl for everyone inside it. There is a lot of flora in this area, many of which habituates small mammals. The small trees are also a place for the avian species to nest and perch.
  • Steamy Springs: Just above the large body of water in the corner are the steamy springs on three levels. The springs offer a place of relaxation. This, too, is regularly filtered by House Larson.
  • Small Trees: Surrounding the outside of the entire acre of land are neatly grown small trees that reach just over 15 feet tall.
  • Stream: Rhyzeal Stream flows throughout Miha Ponds.
  • Grassy Footpath: There is a natural grass footpath throughout the area.
  • A Wooden Gate: A gate made of wien wood is placed at Miha Ponds' entrance.
  • Anos and Rese: A red and orange fish pair with different coloured patterns on their bodies. Anos is commonly orange, and Rese is red. These fish are deemed sacred by House M'ithai.
  • The Tuyx: This is a two-headed feral cat with stripes; however, it acts domesticated. However, it is suitable for the kingdom because it eliminates pests and rodents.
  • The Mina: A midnight black and indigo blue short fur-coated cat with pure white eyes, long ears, and no tail. Its whiskers are white and reach the side of the cat's face. These are omnivores.
  • The Simnthred: A fox of pure light with a frost white coat. 
  • F'itidana and Nagtaive Birds
The fauna within the Miha Ponds co-exist peacefully and have no issue approaching the high elves, for they know the elves will be kind to them.


Two soldiers from the Varcanai Guard stand to attention outside Miha Ponds to ensure the area is well-respected. These guards will alternate throughout the day and night. The Water Tamers would often visit the site to ensure everything ran smoothly, too, as they were the best elves known to specialise in the ponds of the capital.


2998 NE:
  • The Ponds Discovery: The ponds of the kingdom are discovered by House Larson, who make it their priority to care for the area.
  • The Ponds Undergo Tender Care: The ponds of the kingdom are allocated to House Larson to care for and tend to for future usage.
2990 NE:
  • The Water Tamers: House Larson of C’avarnia became known as the Water Tamers as they rehabilitated the Ponds.
2408 NE:
  • Caelorian Nature Renamed: Miha Aalarelai officially named the capital’s northeast nature ‘Miha Ponds.’
1674 NE:
  • House M’ithai’s Second Gift: House M’ithai offers King Jujinal their most sacred fishes to add to their ponds. He happily accepts, creating a pond specifically for them.
  1497 NE:
  • A New Home for Small Mammals: The Tuyx, the Mina, and the Simnthred relocated to the ponds within C’avarnia, making that their primary home.
832 NE:
  • Anos and Rese: Anos and Rese became known as the fishes of immortality, for their lives are naturally prolonged.
775 NE:
  • Anos and Rese Give Birth: Rese gives birth to a fry named Iris. Anos gives birth to a fry named Edemera.
  • Small but Mighty: Anos and Rese became known as the alpha’s among the fauna within the ponds.
  • The Mina and Simnthred Give Birth: The mammals of the ponds give birth to their young.
234 NE:
  • The Command of Retreat: Anos and Rese retreat into their habitat along with their fry. The fauna within the same area hides in their habitats.
13 NE:
  • Anos and Rese Protect the Ponds: Anos and Rese used their unknown abilities to turn the other ponds’ top layers into hard ice, ensuring no harm would come to the amphibians. Additionally, the flora listened to the fish, slowly gathering by the mammals, offering a layer of protection within the thickets and bushes.
10 NE:
  • Clear to Blue: The large body of water at the rear of the Ponds was changed from clear waters to thick blue waters and poisonous to the touch.
2 VO:    
  • The Death of Edemera and Iris: The Ashen attacked the Ponds, killing Edemera and Iris as they swam out of hiding and were savagely ripped to pieces by the Vivaleth’s army.
  • Bloodied Thickets: The bushes that the mammals within the ponds were hiding in became so unbearable that sharp thorns protruded out of every leaf, stem, and twig, causing harm to the mammals within.
  • The Slaughter of Pups and Cubs: The Ashen ripped apart the young pups and cubs that could no longer bear the thorns from the thickets but were torn limb from limb, and their bodies were mutilated and eaten by the ravenous and out-of-mind high elves, influenced by Vivaleth.
10 VO:
  • The Ponds’ Eruption: The large body of water at the back of the pond erupts a fountain of blue blood, equating to the lives already lost during the War of Faith’s. Once the water hits the ground, it sizzles from its acidity.
23 VO:
  • A Call for Aid: Unwilling to allow more harm to the ponds, Anos and Rese create vibrations in their waters, calling for aid from other amphibious and reptilian creatures from Myserth Forest.
  • Leadership Through Fins: Many creatures come to the aid of Anos and Rese, including but not limited to the Aveur; a four-legged rodent, the A’esel; a 220-toothed reptile, The Darter; a blind small mammal with dark fluffy fur and acute hearing, The Eland-Tailed Lizard; an albino, sharp-clawed reptile, The Etzal Serpent; a patterned snake, The Quetzalian Sea Snake; a venomous snake, and the Last Teal Spider’s Matriarch: A 10-foot spider with two spinnerets and sharp legs.
  • Scaled, But Deadly: The reptiles, arachnids, small mammals, and rodents united to defeat the Ashen within the Ponds and bring balance to the area once again, upon Anos and Rese’s request, for all animals had the utmost respect for their existence.
  • Fall of the Teal Spider Matriarch: The biggest spider ever to exist within Aethel Caeloria’s lands fell in battle against the Ashen.
  • The Ponds Restored: The ponds were restored, and the Ashen were eradicated, leaving no remnant behind.
33 VO:
  • Mourning Edemera and Iris: Anos and Rese mourn over their fry and legacy, knowing their species dies with them.
100 VO:
  • Respect of the Fallen: Anos and Rese create an illuminating red and orange light from their pond, gifting the animals who fought by their side with something treasurable. Those who lost their young found themselves pregnant again, and those injured had their wounds healed.
  • An Evolutionary Change: With the fall of the Matriarch Teal Spider, Anos and Rese used their power to create a more evolved spider species from their mother’s corpse. The new teal spiders were significantly smaller but vast in number, allowing the last matriarch to leave a legacy for future generations.
  • The Last Matriarch’s Legacy: In Anos and Rese’s time of need, the Matriarch Teal Spider put aside all differences and came out of hiding, knowing she would not survive. Her sacrifice became known throughout the lands of Aethel Caeloria, showing humility among the animal kingdom and something the high elves throughout respected. From that point onwards, arachnids became an ally of the kingdom and Anos and Rese.
114 VO:
  • The Light of Anos and Rese: In one final attempt to offer the ponds solace from those they had lost, Anos and Rese created an illuminating beam of light into the sky, allowing them the chance to finally settle and rest for hundreds of years, recuperating and gaining their powers back. The pond of Anos and Rese radiated orange and red for hundreds of years.
299 VO:  
  • Bowing for Equilibrium: All the animals who helped Anos and Rese bowed to them out of respect for their gifts and assistance against the Ashen. All the mammals except those who lived there before returned to Myserth Forest. Anos and Rese became known for their qualities of equilibrium, courage, gratitude, respect, and the ultimate sacrifice.


Tourism is rife within Miha Ponds, for it's a popular place to congregate and socialise within a relaxing setting. High elves and travellers would visit the ponds and admire flora and fauna, especially Anos and Rese. However, when visitors converge to the capital, more Varcanai Guard are stationed outside its gates to ensure no harm or disrespect comes to the area.
Miha Ponds: These ponds are a place of respite for flora and fauna. At the rear of the ponds is a place for elves to relax and socialise while respecting that many small mammals habituate on the same land.
Anos and Rese: These are two mystical fishes gifted by house M'ithai to King Jujinal. The fishes are considered wholly sacred and have many unknown abilities. However, after the War of Faith's, it is learned that the fishes can bring a poor state of land back to total health, gift other animals with new life, and create something new from something old. Additionally, they can communicate to species miles away through vibrations in their waters, which travel through the ground.
Founding Date
2998 NE
Alternative Names
Owning Organization
The Last Teal Spider Matriarch: This was the most enormous spider ever to exist at 10-foot tall. Friendly, she was a great fighter for the animal kingdom, but she fell during the War of Faith's to the Ashen, who slashed at her rear legs and stabbed her spinnerets repeatedly, rendering her unable to walk and heavily weakened. Her last breath was in the vicinity of Anos and Rese, who comforted her as best as they could from the waters. She placed her front leg gently in the pond where the two fishes swam around it, creating a vermilion light, which glistened bright, indicating the loss of a great ally and a close friend.    The Teal Spider Matriarch died among friends.

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