Caelorian Accord Document in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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Caelorian Accord (Kay-lore-ian- Ah-cord)

'An Unforgiveable Hate.'

C.R. Eede
The Caelorian Accord:
  • Origin Date: 1668 NE (Dilax Aalarelai's reign).
  • Ratification Date: 776 NE
  • Purpose: To separate pure high elves from those bearing differences through skin complexion
  • Directed at: The Howlite Clan, The Caelorian Incline, and any other elves of colour


The Caelorian Accord was set during Dilax Aalarelai's reign after his father Jujinal Aalarelai spoke with him regarding the banishment of 'undesirables.' To please his father, he made a law stating that any elf of colour could not step foot into the C'avarnia unless it were a day of celebration. This became Aethel Caeloria's first hate crime against elves who had no control over their appearance and continued throughout the kingdom's history, becoming the new normal for high elven culture.

Document Structure


If elves of colour do not obey the laws of the land, they will be escorted out of its borders by the Varcanai Guard under the reigning sovereign's instruction. If, for a second time, the elf in question tries to gain entry into C'avarnia, they will be escorted into the Locked Jaw with all possessions taken away and a vithra chained close to their barbaric sleeping arrangements.

Publication Status

The Caelorian Accord is found in a glass case of the Howlite Clan's Great Pagoda within the territory of Phiseqar of House M'ithai's lands.

Legal status

The document is made valid under the rule of the Aalarelai monarch. Initially Dilax Aalarelai, but has since been passed down through each king of the Aalarelai name.

Historical Details


The background of this document is to prevent elves of colour from entering the capital of Aethel Caeloria, offering high elves the chance to continue a bloodline of fair elflings for future generations.


2398 NE:
  • Jujinal Aalarelai Banishes the Different: The ‘undesirables’ formed a refuge between the Kavahiran and Galsran border.
2397 NE - 1675 NE: 
  • Jujinal Aalarelai's Reign
2396 NE: 
  • Jujinal Aalarelai executes ‘undesirables’ within the Kingdom
1668 NE: 
  • Creation of the Caelorian Accord: Dilax Aalarelai made it so that elves of colour could not enter the capital unless they visited for celebrations.

Public Reaction

Civilians of Aethel Caeloria were confused initially, not understanding why elves of colour could not remain within the capital's walls. Still, there was very little protest/resistance from the high elves themselves. As for those affected, they put up protests and demanded they remain. Additionally, Jujinal Aalarelai made it so that any elf of colour would be executed as an undesirable along with everyone else who bore differences.    This hate crime became widely known throughout all of Caede Galair, forming the creation of the Nihil Refuge in 2374 NE, a derelict region between Galsra and Kavahir.


Long-Lasting Repercussions:
  • Due to the discrimination demonstrated towards elves of colour, other kingdoms have shown little-to-no respect for the reigning sovereign and Aalarelai bloodline, knowing that is how they treat their own.
  • Trade with elves of colour has been diminished as many do not want to indulge the hatred of those who will not alter their ways, thus losing out on profit and culture.
  • Seclusion from elves of colour and the marvellous events organised.
  • And more.
The accord became a national embarrassment for Aethel Caeloria and has done throughout the ages. Furthermore, due to Dilax Aalarelai setting in stone that would apply forever, no future Aalarelai sovereign has dared to oppose it, for they have little power over its words.


The Caelorian Accord has been set in stone for thousands of years.
The Caelorian Accord: This was set by Dilax Aalarelai after his father Jujinal Aalarelai banished all the undesirables from the kingdom. It was mainly targeted at the Howlite Clan, who bore tanned skin, but it has been denoted as all elves of colour as the years passed.
The Bad Influence: Jujinal Aalarelai grew jealous when elves of differences were getting more attention than him, so out of spite, he decided to banish them from the lands to fend for themselves, and Dilax took after his father as he created and ratified the Caelorian Accord.
Authoring Date
1668 NE
Ratification Date
776 NE
Expiration Date
Signatories (Organizations)
The First Hate Crime: The banishment of undesirables became the first hate crime of Aethel Caeloria, which many elves in modern-day society are ashamed of as they have friends from other lands who do bear a different skin complexion or differences.

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