Voltra Organization in Aeterna | World Anvil
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On the east coast of Valegas Bay lies the devoutly religious trade hub and ecclesiarchy named for the deity that defends its people - Voltra, The Protector.


At the top of the hierarchy is the Chosen of Voltra. Under that, there are the various members of the Clergy who manage different departments of the city, these being Voltra's Guard, the Servants of Voltra, the Bay-Line, the Housing districts, the Court of Voltra, and Education.


Most of the city's culture revolves around both the Church and Chosen of Voltra, with education focusing on business, trade, and mathematics to help bring tithes to the church, feeding the city's tremendous success.


The immense amount of trade within the bay brings many riches, and these riches end up going to the church through taxes. The church holds much sway over its people through religious fervour and the relaxed lives the devoted Voltrans live. Voltra has also leveraged its location to gain a significant stake in the economy of sea trade routes.

Long May the Protector Reign

Founding Date
Year 1184
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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