Amar, potion maker Character in Aeterna | World Anvil
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Amar, potion maker

Amar Bint Ars Al Quzah'i

Amar Bint Ars Al Quzah'i is a quirky-looking young woman. Her black hair and dark skin hints at her mixed Jenubian heritage, yet her wings indicate that she is a Solari. Contrasting her exotic features is her small frame, round face, and large expressive eyes that hide behind a pair of large round spectacles. Her mannerisms are equally strange, as she possesses a short attention span for anything that does not take her interests.   Still, if one wants to get reliable herbal remedies and potions, her shop, Al Quzah'i Apothecary and Alchemy Works, is the place to go to.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amar was born to a Solari mother, and a Nahiri father. Both her travelling merchants who met yearly in the great markets of the Sultanate. Their trysts of passion produced Amar, much to the delight of her father. Her mother, was less than enthused about the prospect of settling down, however. Amar would spend her life alternating year by year between being in care of her father and her mother. Through extensive travel, she learned much of the world, and found her passion in the scientific study and categorizing of flora and fauna, as well as alchemy. She eventually was somehow patroned to study in the Al Alkhamiyya University to study natural sciences and alchemy. However, upon her father's death, she quit the university for some reason and travelled back to her mother's home-city with haste. There, she used the funds she escaped with to build her own shop.   During the trial of Raedwulf, Corinna, and Edger, Amar was present as an interpreter for Nelle, the Merfolk witness.


Amar was educated on the road with her father. She attended schools in Ormere, the Sultanate, and even with tutors in the colonies. Ultimately, she received most of her education through books, and a few years at the Al Alkhamiyya University in Nahir.


Amar used her inheritance to open an apothecary shop in her mother's home-city, Iliakos. The shop is only a few years old, and the idea of a permanent apothecary shop is still quite novel in the Theocracy. Nevertheless, she seems to be doing well enough to take in a couple of apprentices.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Short-attention span, know-it-all


Religious Views

Amar doesn't particularly observe any religion, but she does believe in god-like supernatural entities.
Current Location
Current Residence
Light Blue
Light Blue
Known Languages
Amar can read, write, and speak fluently: Nahiri, Theo, Ormeran, and Lunarian.   In addition, she had dabbled in other languages to some extent.

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