Skallen Species in Aervos | World Anvil
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The Skallen are gigantic creatures similar to manta rays. They are flying creatures, flying slowly around the equator region of Aervos. They are home to small tribes of aeromancers, who live on the back of the skallen and are given the gift of aeromancy through it.  

Good Luck Charm

The Skallen are viewed as good luck in multiple different cultures and nations. Around the Aervos central tropics, people there believe that when you fall under a Skallen’s shadow, good luck will find you for the next month. In the hot desert regions, a Skallen sighting means that rain and prosperity will soon come.

Basic Information


Skallen are very large beings, big enough to host a small town on the back of the creature. They look similar to their smaller manta ray counterparts in the ocean. Their bottom side is a bluish white, with their back being dark blue.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Skallen are not known to have any specific genders, and do not need a mate to reproduce. The Skallen are known to produce only one offspring at a time, but very rarely a Skallen will produce two. The Gestation period last's around two years, with the only change in the Skallen being it fly's a little slower and will dive for food more often. After two years, the Skallen will dive, where they release the Skallen into the ocean, and then leaves, leaving the young Skallen to feed in the ocean. Once the adult Skallen returns, they will collect the quickly growing juvenile and raise it into the air below them, quickly teaching them how to soar, and then they each fly on separate paths.

Ecology and Habitats

The Skallen prefer to fly around the equator, where the ocean and the air is warmer. They often fly in the upper atmosphere, usually only going lower to feed in the ocean.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The creatures only need to feed every three months. The do this by diving from the air into the ocean. Like whales, they feed on gigantic swarms of plankton that collect near the surface of the water. They dive into the water, then when they have collected enough food, rise back up into the sky and continue their journey.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Skallen are highly intelligent creatures, deciding who deserves their elemental gift.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The creatures have the power of Aeromancy, They use it as their way to be able to fly around in the upper atmosphere.   The Skallen have the power to grant Aeromancy to others. It usually spread it to the tribes who live in their backs.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Skallen often have groups of people living on their backs. The creatures tolerate these tribes, and often gifts them with the power of aeromancy. The tribes set up temporary shelters and buildings, which they then tear down and secure when the Skallen dives in the ocean for food. They then set everything back up again.

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