Runic Ritual Stones in Aertrea | World Anvil
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Runic Ritual Stones

Similar to Druidic Menhirs, Dolmen, and Circles, Runic Prayer Stones are magical creations use to create permanent magical effects over a large area. These stones can be created by either arcane or divine magics. There are three main types: 1. Permanent: These stones require no activation and produce a continuous effects. This could be stopped only by destroying the stone or placing it in an anti-magic zone. 2. Activated- nonspecific: These stones require regular activation and require only someone attuned to the stone and possessing some magical aptitude. 3. Activated- Specific: These stones require certain traits such as belonging to a specific family, religion, bloodline, or profession to activate. Effects attached to Runic Ritual Stones can vary greatly. They might include endure elements, protection from evil, calm emotions, control weather, plant grown, etc. Several larger Northern Cities have Runic Ritual Stones left over from the Age of Empires. The City of Tranquility has a very powerful stone that projects a calm emotion effect in a ten mile radius. It also possess powerful defensive magics. Each of the major cities of Marble have a Ritual Stone, although they are more narrow in scope than some. They city of Kingsford in Timbal has a stone that prevents certain kinds of magical scrying and possession.


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