Swamp Simerah (Sahagin) Species in Aerra | World Anvil
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Swamp Simerah (Sahagin)

These fish like humanoids live within the swampy peninsula of Bohl.

Basic Information


Humanoid in appearance with webbed toes and feet. They have spiny barbs on their fore arms and can extend a bio luminescent bulb from their heads. Their mouth extend quite wide as they often eat swamp scum.

Genetics and Reproduction

A female will lay a batch of eggs until a male fertilizes them. The batch will then hatch eel like spawn that will swim within the swamp of their birth. Many are cannibalized by their siblings and only the strongest will begin metamorphoses into their humanoid form

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivores that often eat swamp fish or mosses

Additional Information

Social Structure

Often living in solitude it is not uncommon for groups of sahagins to form small clans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can see well in dark areas even when underwater. Bright lights hurt their eyes.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Often dark earthy colors with blue greenish hues.
Geographic Distribution

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