Stonebridge Council Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Stonebridge Council

Stonebridge was formed between Dwarves and Elves, and each race demanded an equal say on how the city should be run. As Stonebridge grew, so did the need to include the more prominent races that made up the bulk of its population. Every race in Stonebridge is considered for a seat in the government. Every 2 years a census is conducted to determine the racial breakdown of the city, and any race that has 5% or more of the population is allowed to have a seat on the Stonebridge council. Each council member has an equal vote on matters of the city, and if there is ever a tie a vote is called. A race other than one represented in the council is randomly selected, and in turn selects a chosen representative to break the tie.   Any race that comprises more than 25% of the total population of Stonebridge is allowed to enact one decision without the need to go through the normal bureaucracy. If all the other members of the council contest the action, the decision is vetoed and is not sent through.   The current census results are as follows: (Gnomish 31%, Dwarvish 12%, Human 12%, Elf 10%, Goliath 9%, Fire Genasi 7%, Firbolg 6%, Halfling 4%,Tiefling 3%, Azer 2%, other 4%)   The current council members are as follows:   Gildree Gallowspint (m/gnome), Head of the Council, Gnomish council representative
Elric Greenshoe (m/human), Human council representative
Vishta Moonquill (f/elf), Elvish council representative
Goldrik Rorintroll (m/dwarf), Dwarvish council representative
Ganthara Beartamer (f/goliath), Goliath council representative
Pyre Ashengrey (f/fire genasi), Fire Genasi council representative
Pemma Tearleaf (f/firbolg), Firbolg council representative
Geopolitical, City council
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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