Portalguard Chain Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Portalguard Chain

The southern section of the Barrier Guard is quite small now but once was the pride and glory of the Dwarves, second only to Forgehome. There was even talk of moving the seat of power here from Forgehome. The Rockportal Clan, the preeminent emissaries and diplomats of the Dwarves to the rest of the world, both before and after the Rising, resided in the Earth Dwarf city of Astoria. The Ironhill clan of the Stone Dwarves, residing in the city of Voldurok, was the epitome of Dwarvish culture and craft, showing their wares to the rest of the world. The Fractioning, however, cut the Dwarves off from all the rest of the world, and severely limited their outreach and prestige, leaving only a slim shadow of their former glory left for the rest of the world to forget.   The pride of the Dwarves was never dealt such a mighty blow as was experienced in the Portalguard Chain. Going from the pinnacle of Dwarven society to a failing and struggling area proved to be a blight that affected the Dwarves left there. They gather in Voldurok or Astoria, the few remaining Dwarves clinging to past glories or fading hope that Denethen will smile again on his lost children.   Each city is ruled by a Durzok (clan warden) that is doing their best to retain Dwarven ideals and pride in their citizens, but centuries of poverty and struggle has forced many of the Dwarves to seek better lives in Stonebridge or surrounding areas, or migrate further north to Forgehome or Shalehaven to reconnect with their stronger cousins.
Included Organizations
Population: Majority – Dwarves; Minority – Humans, Gnomes, Halflings


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