Aristophodes Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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This giant blue owl is older than the Crystal Queen and was a teacher and mentor of hers back when she was still an Avariel. Aristophodes is quite unique and the giant versions of blue owls are extremely rare. Only a few exist even in the celestial skies of the Avariel, and Aristophodes is the only one known on Starhelm.

Physical Description

Body Features

Aristophodes is a giant version of the rare Aerithian Blue Owl

Identifying Characteristics

Ancient runes have been patterned into his feathers. His eyes are continually glowing.

Special abilities

Aristophodes can cast spells through his Runic feathers, with just verbal components

Mental characteristics


Aristophodes learned from the great minds of the Avariel, and in turn, shared that knowledge with all those who would listen.  He became a great sage and advisor.

Personality Characteristics


A hunger for learning has never left Aristophodes and he takes every opportunity to increase his knowledge



Deep and sonorous in tone, Aristophodes speaks clearly and slowly, with great purpose.
Current Location
Current Residence
Crystal Palace in Aspenshield
glowing celestial blue
Known Languages
Aristophodes speaks many languages, including Celestial, Elven, Sylvan, Common, Dwarf, Halfling, Grippli, Goblin, Draconic, and Primordial


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