The Under River in Aerath | World Anvil
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The Under River

The Under River of Aerath is the bridge between east and west. It is a long deep river that flows below the continent of Danos. It is home to pirates, sea monsters and prospectors looking to find great wealth in the many ancient ruins found in the Underdark of Aerath. Centuries ago hundreds of sprawling cities stretched across the underdark Gnomish, dwarvish and other deep dwelling kings and empires controlled a vast and wealthy territory known as the Deep Realms. These endless cities of wealth and power were known across the world. Surface nations coveted their riches and waged endless war against the Under Realms. Possessed by their greed and need for destruction the Surface Kings of Aerath summoned Elantas the dark god and prayed for his blessing to overthrow and control the under realms. The Old King sacrificed thousands to gain power enough to conquer the Underdark. Lead by Surface King Jaric Einestower the forces of the land above drove the Under realms to poverty and eventual destruction leaving a ruined wasteland where a once endless nation was sprawled. Only Braedstone, the seat of the Dwarven King Broxdon Windaxe was left standing at the end of the campaign against the under realms. The greed of the surface kings was insatiable and even with the Under Realms firmly in their grasp they wanted wealth and power beyond what the under realms once possessed, Driven mad with greed they submitted themselves willingly to the dark god and over several centuries the Under Realms were lost to war, death, plague and destruction.   Today nearly one thousand years since the last city of the under realms fell the Under River is home to Outlaws and Pirates, as well as legal traders. Hundreds of small river sprout from the massive Under River , many of which lead to small villages and outposts which serve as havens from the strange creatures and monsters that dwell in the abandoned empire of the old world. The most notable of Under River outposts is Grand Darksparkle. Originally a gnome crafted city designed as a resting point halfway through the Under River channels Darksparkle has become the largest free city in the Underdark, Few laws exist in Darksparkle and the few that do protect the wealthy. Pirates, outlaws and free spirits call Darksparkle home.


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