Zeun, the Dead God, the Lost Father Character in Aeolia | World Anvil

Zeun, the Dead God, the Lost Father

Zeun (Neutral) was once the god of fertility, might and adventure. His sigil was a yellow lightening bold, on a field of black, set with stars.

Together with Xera, he fathered all the sibling gods. However, Zeun had a roving eye of truly legendary proportions. His infidelity knew no bounds, and whether with giant, man, beast, dragon or elemental, Zeun fathered a host of demi-gods which, to this day, have not all be uncovered and identified.

For centuries, it seems that Xera - the Everliving Mother - put up with this infidelity. No one knows what changed, which she snapped one day. All that is know is that, several thousand years ago, a huge cataclysm raged down on the mortal world as the entire vbalance of the world was unhinged. The unthinkable was done, the unkillable was killed. Zeun, King and father of the gods, was dead.


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