Xera, The Ever Living Mother transmogrified

Xera (now Xith) - N - The Ever Living Mother
Sigil: a hearth with a burning fire

Xera (Neutral) was a goddess of fertility, family and the home. Her sigil was a stone hearth with a yellow burning fire in the centre, set on a blue background

Together with Zeun, she created all the sibling gods. However, her husband Zeun had a roving eye. Again and again she was forced to bear witness to his infidelity, as he sired a host of demi-gods and strange creatures with monsters, dragons, mortals and fae.

It is unknown what finally pushed Xera over the edge. Nor, indeed, is it understood how exactly she killed the unkillable. The first signs of Zeun's death in the mortal, worlds was a cataclysm of astonishing proportions. Storms raged, all magic became wild magic for a time, and the great empires were brought low through chaos, famine, and the subsequent wars.

In the years that passed after the cataclysm, it was originally believed that Xera, too, had died. But soon a new presence was felt in the world. Strange creatures began to stalk the world, neither dead not alive. Diseases were rife, magical and nameless. And those who caught them, became perverted, twisted beyond mortal ken. This was the time of new breeds - of werewolves, of vampires, and of other abominations never before seen in the world. And whispers told of a new goddess, a dark and twisted creature by the name of Xith.

Religious and magic scholars now believe that something happened to Xera when she carried out that unspeakable act of mariticide, that she was in some way permanently twisted, darkened and changed like the creatures which poured forth into the world. Whatever it was, it seems clear that this Xith is the same being as the Xera from before the cataclysm, although what her desires and aims might be, no scholar seems certain.


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