Gruumashkt God of War Organization in Aemon | World Anvil
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Gruumashkt God of War (Groo - ma - sh - kt)

Emperor Gruumashkt, the god of war is represented not in drawings or carvings but by a literal and physical flaming sword. He presents power, war, destruction, and the warrior.   His worshipers consist of bandits, generals, warriors of a more barbaric nature, and as the primary deity of the orcs. Gruumashkt is often depicted as an orc and will often take form as one. He is also the prime example of orc tribe culture. His followers are expected to take up arms whenever there is need. These needs could be evil or good. While the God himself believes that effort should only be used if the user has something to gain from it, there are worshipers that believe in protecting others and doing good, they gain power by slaying evil. The highly devoted of him will take to marking their bodies; they use tally marks such as burns to represent victories and self-inflicted scars to represent losses.   His alignment is Neutral evil. Bandits worship him thinking he will grant them power but will often receive none as they do not benefit him. Gruumashkt gains power in conflict and the greater the scale, the more power he gains. He will often use his power to manipulate the hearts of nations into seeking war to achieve this and will often play both sides of the field.   Any deity that has a domain that is physical, he considers an enemy to conquer.   He is typically not openly worshiped in civilized society.
Religious, Pantheon


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