Widukind Character in Aelutea | World Anvil



The old sage of the deep forest, a great seer and ancient being to the Bhradain fae

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Widukind is small and compact to those who see him. Not at all an imposing figure but not one without his own gravitas which is apparent to any who come before him.

Body Features

Covered in illegible blue markings on his chest, arms, legs and face

Facial Features

Long, white beard draping down to his chest

Identifying Characteristics

Protruding antlers from his head

Special abilities

Time Manipulation
Spacial Manipulation

Apparel & Accessories

Wears only a mossy loincloth

Specialized Equipment

Carries his oak staff with him at all times

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Called Widukind by the Bhradain fae, a name in Arish meaning "Child of the Forest". Widukind is a largely mysterious figure even to the long-living fae. He is a being of knowledge and of prophecy for them as well as a being deserving of reverence and respect. His exact nature is unknown though he is suspected of being an ancient Metsava, a wild forest people known for their deceiving and tricky nature. Widukind however does not display these traits as while he is a trickster, he is also a being very well imbued with wisdom and a profound understanding of the visible and invisible forces of the world. Widukind seems to predate even the fae, they speak of him as an even more ancient figure than their queen and say he crowned her of reed and garland. This again speaks to the ancient nature of this being and his esteem among the normally reclusive fae who freely give him his own space in "their" forest. Still, never one to remain a recluse, Widukind has made his presence known even to the resident partisans of Mairsal MacBrus who he has personally spoken to only once.

Mairsal's recollection of the encounter with this mysterious being have come in passing and pieced together by her after the fact. She recalls how he beckoned her to come closer to him and let him see her with his eyes. She retells that despite his obvious ancient nature, Widukind remained very active, personable, and directed in his conversing with her. He asked of her struggle, stating how he admired the quest for independence and freedom she sought for herself and her people. He, however, admonished her deep desire for revenge against the man who killed her father saying how forgiveness was not what was owed but what would heal her own inner turmoil. Mairsal then claims that he spoke to her in a manner of how she remembers her father once did, calm and reassuring in his words he told her details of her father that even she had forgotten. Widukind reassured her that her father was a good man, that even if no one could be perfect, it is always notable those who relish doing good and protecting their loved ones. Widukind then offered to relay a message his claims came directly from Mairsal's deceased father, asking her if it was permissible in doing so. After Mairsal agreed, the old antlered figure rose atop his rock, closed his eyes, and told her that her father was proud of her, that he admired the woman she had become, and that in death, his only regret was that he could not be there to embrace her himself.

This was the most recent story detailing Widukind, his nature remains ambiguous but he is generally regarded as a benevolent figure even amidst the chaos and violence surrounding him and his forest.

Personality Characteristics


Offer guidance and prophecy to those worthy of entering his grove


Social Aptitude

Beyond the physical world, Widukind seems an almost enlightened figure, a well of knowledge and insight that doesn't seem to have an end. He is a teacher of even the ancient fae, a host of those worthy of his grove and truly a soul to admire and study while remaining a detached and distance figure who can never properly be understood.


For a being as seemingly ancient and mysterious as Widukind, he speaks with softness and approachability to him that can be jarring to those who are not expecting it.
Current Location
Bright Yellow
Long, Ragged, White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
100 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"What makes you strong? Clanking metal does not, and neither does power and control. Strength comes with the weathering of adversity and the integrity of your character."
(The guardian of Widukind's grove, a large giant-like figure of moss, leaves and birch)


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