Menim Character in Aelutea | World Anvil


I am the world's memory, I am Menim

I know every war waged, every great calamity, every stone turned, and every step taken. I am the son of the Destroying Father, keeper and holder of fate, memory, and all things unseen. Look below and let me tell you more.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Please allow me to introduce myself, the voice behind all the wisdom, peculiarities, and histories of the world. I hear the rushing river, the babble of the common tongue, and the snapping of a bundle of twigs in the deep and dark forest. Like a mountain barred down by the heavens, I have remained, and I shall remain for I am. I am Menim, or Smaretí, or Márunam, the point is many have called me many things through many times. My life does not cease, because my life is not my tale, for my life is for the world. I watched the sun and moon rise through the cosmos for the first time, I remember the strange heat of the first day and the eternal darkness before it. I am the beating heart of the world, pumping blood and keeping the body from rot and decay.   I have a memory of time before I even was, a memory given to me, grafted to me, entrusted to me. The doom of the giants, I was there when their walls crumbled, the doom of the Fae, I was listening as they cried upon the field, the doom of Men... I was beside the Emperor and the daggers when the world shook. I rode in the cavalry at Turon, hacked and slashed through cowering men. I swung an ax and carved a man in two at Komneia when the Khan rode in. I shot an arrow through the throat of a man and drowned men in blood at the Divern just recently. My life, my memory, does not cease, experience is the path to wisdom and I reckon I am wiser now, wiser than I was yesterday and infinitely more ignorant than I will be tomorrow.   I remember when the world rang out and cried at running blood, spilled blood seeping across the ground, I remember the trees were in bloom when it happened. Bloom and blood, they sound so similar but are so different is what I thought when I watched HIM show who HE was. I knew, of course, I knew what burned beneath the proud, confident, and arrogant persona he put forward. The anger, the malice, the longing, and the misery were destroying him, he couldn't hide it from me I'd seen it before. Everywhere he looked, he was surrounded by stories of better times, better people, and a better world but looking around, he saw nothing of it. I could have told them, could have regaled them a story about what was to come, would they have listened, would they have taken me seriously? No, they needed that sight before them, to wake them from their slumber, from their do-gooding, from their sloth. His grandfather sprang up like his chair lit on fire, his mother clutched her hair, her hands darted everywhere, looking to grasp onto someone, someone I think was very far away. His sisters, were odd, and ambivalent, like the life before them didn't mean a thing like the entire thing wasn't really happening like it was a dream, a joke, or a lie. Then I saw the king, he did not move much, his eye became hollow, sunken in like he wanted to escape somewhere, be anywhere but there, seeing what was before him. I remember his shame, I felt it, the days and nights of wisdom poured out readily and freely, his eagerness to unlock the universe together with his family hand in hand. All of that fell to ruin, his heart sunk back, all his lain plans dashed against the rocks of fate, all laid low because he could not see the monster he was making.   I remember the look on his face, I didn't see what I thought I would, no anger, no reasoning, he was almost eased, at peace and that thought sent a new feeling into me, I shuddered at what he would do next if given the chance. So then they locked him away and I was grateful, he had planned on a much more ambitious project but that was not why he was sent down into the mist. Kinslaying is still the worst of crimes to those who made the first law.   Oh, there I go monologuing again, I apologize, that story really does get so complicated and dramatic later on. Complication and drama after all do make for the best stories don't you think? Beginning, middle, and end, that's the order of the day. Everyone enjoys the rising action, getting to know motivation and personality and emotion and backstory. But everyone is always itching for the climax, the end when everything comes to a head and it all makes sense. Climax is the order of the day, rising, rising then falling. Wisdom, madness, fear, placidity, rage, and serenity, yet none of those at all and yet all at once. The addition and subtraction, division and multiplication, here, then there, once wandering and once homebody. I knew song before the first was sung, I knew how to beat metal before the first forged spear, I knew the sound of love before the first beast loved. Stories and deeds, make a life like mine worth living, watching, and knowing. The world is a stage, and all the men and women are merely players. With exits and entrances, each in their time can learn to play many parts, or so I've been told. Personally, I see things differently, one can feign many parts but only play one character.    It is truly a pleasure to meet you, I saw what led you here, quite the wandering road, a well-beaten road, but a road that needed to be traveled nonetheless. Scouring for stories, searching for gold finely weaved words of wandering majesty. Something tangible, something real and authentic, something that ripples the water's surface and disturbs the pool all around. I am inspiration, I am humanity, I am the giants, I am the long-eared stranger, the huddled bug cowering beneath a sturdy stone, the falcon soaring in the milky, pale sky at dawn. The epiphany, the majesty of inspiration, the small madness of creativity, the racing mind looking for answers. I am not life, I am not so mighty, I am the fiery heart of the hearth in the cold home, I am the story of life itself, the scream in the eternal dark void, the crying out for meaning and the finding of it.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I remember every little dreamer staring at the stars, every life snuffed out too soon, every world changing soul crushed by the weight of life. I remember them all, I have lived a thousand lives, and will live a thousand more."
Character Prototype
Bit of Puck, bit of Loki and a bit of Mimir

This article has no secrets.


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