Marvingian Ethnicity in Aelutea | World Anvil


The settled descendants of the large Marvingi tribes who dwelled in southeastern Areul and southwestern Herodia.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names


Masculine names


Family names



Major language groups and dialects

Marvingian is a close relative of standard Hasdinian and a part of the wider Herodi family tree of language. Marvingian can be quite easily understood by most other Herodi speakers as it has changed in step with other languages of its family.

Culture and cultural heritage

A large group of the vast Herodi people, the Marvingians are direct descendants of the Marvingi tribe who were a major confederation of Herodi peoples. The Marvingi are thought to have hailed from the far northeast near the lands of the modern Prus Kovna people who migrated west in their place when the Marvingi arrived in what is now Herodia around 761 B.E when they are hinted at in the Herodinia by Agricolus Justus. The Marvingi proved to be consistent enemies of the Rasenna and joined other tribal confederations in multiple wars with the Rasenna in the middle and later years of their empire. Their first attested king was Gunhoc who is said to have waged a short war against the Imperial Regent Tzimikus who defeated him and sent his people back across the Oltune. After this defeat, the Marvingi appear once again as invaders during the reign of Emperor Pracclius alongside the Sturmares. The Marvingi and Sturmares made it as far as the Arnziatic Gulf before being intercepted by Marcus Ferras Rursus, the governor of Agrihenia Prope who defeated them handily propelling him to the imperial throne. From here, the Marvingi later accompanied Radimane during his crossing of the Rhor and aided him in his conquest of the Rasennan west before settling in the mountainous region of Areul Montania and Vergana. From here, the Marvingi transform into the Marvingians as they settle and ride the wave of prosperity brought on by the reign of the Krauling emperors. The Marvingians later would join the invasion of Lakia and sack Rasca before their Kingdom fell in the early years of the Dykairos.

Shared customary codes and values

To the Marvingians, honor is sacred and among the first noble virtues. Marvingians treat their word as law first and foremost and among the first of evils is treachery and deceit.

Due to the mountainous lands, they find themselves in, the independence and self-determination of the Marvingian people is of utmost importance as they are famously stout defenders of their lands.

Common Etiquette rules

Bringing their romantic culture to their etiquette, the Marvingians are a deeply respectful people who treat their word as law. Known for their respectful and rational mindset, the Marvingians do not share the same rash, headstrong nature as some of their other Herodi brothers do.

Common Dress code

Dressing for the alpine climate they live in, summers are long and hot with loose clothing and breathable material being preferred. During the cold winter months, large furs are worn with broad-brimmed hats to keep snowfall out of the eyes.

Art & Architecture

Cliffside architecture has never known a truer friend than the Marvingians as the mountainous terrain of Marvingia necessitates a bit of creativity in balancing strong structures with those ascetically pleasing to the eye. Preferring well insulated, wooden lodgings to the cold concrete or marble decorum of other surrounding peoples, the Marvingians build their homes to last and to provide some of the most comfortable living seen anywhere.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The joust is a very important Marvingian sporting event and is widely viewed all across Marvingia
Romance novels are another staple of Marvingian entertainment for boys and girls alike as growing up with the rose-colored shading of the world inspires the Marvingians to leave as much good in the world as they can.

Common Myths and Legends

The Marvingi can supposedly trace their ancestry back to the family of Gundhar, a claim made by many

Historical figures

Gunhoc- 1st accepted king of the Marvingi
Hjuro the Bold- succession leader who formed the first Marvingian state as it succeeded from the crumbling Krauling Empire following Emperor Karlo's death
Kirsa the Leuter- Queen-Regent of Marvingia for her son Ralf, she led the Marvingian contingent of the army which helped sack Rasca. The loot from the sacking paid for the renovations of Jurane which helped it survive the Dykairos almost fully intact


Beauty Ideals

Known far and wide as some of the loveliest people of the continent, Marvingians are known for their darker hair, brown and hazel eyes, and for their sublime beauty for both men and women pay attention to their cosmetic appearance to a greater deal than some of their brother peoples.

Gender Ideals

While chivalry is the order of the day to the Marvingians, they are not stuck to tradition in ways some others are as women are seen with an altered but still quite an egalitarian view as men. Women are very astute in financial matters to the Marvingians as economics is seen as a very womanly trade resulting in Marvingian women being capable administrators, bankers, and money lenders. Men occupy more traditional roles in contrast as farmers, city workers, builders and famously as soldiers.

Courtship Ideals

Sharing some aspects of courtly behavior from their other Herodi brothers, the Marvingians are a romantic people with very highly held notions of honor, duty, and righteous behavior. Men and boys are expected to follow the five virtues of Honor, Generosity, Courage, Selflessness, and Compassion. Women and girls are expected to also model their behavior around these virtues all while being role models for younger boys and girls.
(Depiction of a Marvingian cavalryman riding off to war with a ribbon from his wife tied to his arm)
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