Mairsal MacBrus Character in Aelutea | World Anvil

Mairsal MacBrus

Mairsal MacBrus (a.k.a. The Bandit Queen of Bhradain)

Daughter of the rebel leader Artur MacBrus, dwelling in the impassable Bhradain forest and continuing the fight against the crown of Tiranar.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Certainly Mairsal's stature as a woman does not afford her the same physical prowess as the male partisans she leads. This fact, however, does not stop her from leading them as her bravery and courage in a fight is awe-inspiring and certainly, inspires those under her to not let her down.

Identifying Characteristics

Known for her red, braided hair and often armored apparel.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daughter of the deposed noble and rebel Artur MacBrus, Mairsal was only a little girl when her father openly revolted against Halsat rule to the north. Artur led their people in a revolt that was initially successful via the Miracle of Sinasal Bog where a Haklan force of less than a thousand men routed a Halsat force of around five thousand and killed King Hasculf's brother Odo. This victory, however, was not a sign of things to come as the vengeful Prince Adrian, the king's young son ventured south and smashed the Haklans at the town of Auber. Artur was captured and hanged for treason in the main square of Caistnac and his lands were divided among the Haklan chieftains who remained loyal to the Halsat crown. The lands of MacBrus were given over and Mairsal found herself an outlaw and a bandit when she turned 15. Taken in by sympathetic nobles who had been pardoned following their pleading, Mairsal eventually found recluse in the lowland forest of Bhradain where she sought to reignite the fires of Haklan independence and began raiding nearby Halsat villages and hamlets all the while seeking sympathy among her father's former allies.

In the safety of the innavigable Bhradain forest, Mairsal has gained a reputation for courage and skill in a fight. She is even said to be in communication with the fae that are reported to live there, acting as MacBrus' scouts. It was with the help of her fae allies that Mairsal and her partisans managed to ambush a patrol of Halsats sent from Powyar. During the skirmish, the partisans managed to capture Adrien's son Fulk and ransom him for an extraordinary sum. This brought the rebellious Haklans again into the gaze of the court in Caistnac and King Hasculf appointed an official March Lord and loyalist by the name of Morgan Ceirach who set to work mustering troops in order to eventually put down the rebels and restore order. Mairsal's determination to avenge her dead father is, even in the court of the Halsats, spoken about with a modicum of respect as a daughter continuing the fight of her father. This respect does little to impede Mairsal's willingness to capture and ransom Halsat captives and eventually, to dream of facing down Prince Adrien, the man who defeated her father and bringing him to Haklan justice at the end of her blade.


Tutored by her father and trained under his bannermen how to fight


Former noblewoman
Bandit and rebel leader

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defeated and captured Prince Fulk de Marteau

Failures & Embarrassments

Thrown from her home
Forced to live as a bandit and cutthroat

Mental Trauma

Mairsal's mother died giving birth to her and her father was hanged after he was defeated.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

If you desire freedom, you have every right to fight for it

Personality Characteristics


Unite her people and free the lands of the Haklans from the crown of Tiranar
Avenge the death of her father

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Narrow Minded


Contacts & Relations

Leader of Fergus Munro, Celia de Brugge and Llorva af Cloddiau
Guest and courted love of the fae Queen Crerva af Venrel

Family Ties

Daughter of Artur and Milread MacBrus

Religious Views

In defiance of her people's adoption of the Mundana Ecclesia, Mairsal remains an adamant believer in the traditional pantheon of the Haklan people, that of the Areul and their many gods and spirits.

Social Aptitude

Mairsal is intensely likable, she displays such optimism and a motivating presence that has inspired her partisans to stay with her despite their precarious position in opposition to the powerful crown of Tiranar. Her diplomatic skills also cannot be glossed over as she has managed to shorten the divide between the typically isolated and independent fae of Bhradain and her own warriors.


Humble to a fault, Mairsal's ability to display competency and control where perhaps she is a bit over her head is something to behold. In the presence of her partisans, she is forever cool and always in control of the situation and displays a calming and patient way of speaking to them. This does not take away her own ferocity and fire which can be on full display during a fight.
Current Location
Date of Birth
26th of Larce
Year of Birth
679 A.E 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Daughter of a Artur MacBrus and his wife Mildred Márnach
Cnodangich, Fortified hilltop castle
Dark Green
Long, Braided Ginger
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
145 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I come from the blood of rebels, if mine is shed I know that it will be replaced by hundreds more, willing to do the same for the cause."
Caradog and the Areul Pantheon
Known Languages
Tafod y fae
Character Prototype
William Wallace


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