Llafnor Item in Aelutea | World Anvil


Llafnor, the greatest sword ever made and weapon of many heroes of old. First forged by the great giant smith Falahir and gifted to his human friend Benrir to escape captivity among the giants. Llafnor would have many famous holders, from Benrir, to King Finbhar of the Tirdôla who slew the great Draig Basdūh. Llafnor came into the possession of Gydwïyr who used it during the final war against the Jotnar and fell in battle with it at Hautkrig.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Seeing as Llafnor was supposedly forged in dragon fire, smithed by some of the greatest blacksmiths the world has ever known, and imbued in some of the most advanced magical enhancements by the Jotnar, the blade is incredibly sharp, strong, and deadly and seems incorruptible and immune to dulling.

Manufacturing process

Llafnor was truly a blade like no other. The great skill of Falahir and the fires of dragon combined with the mystical energy imbued in the blade make it entirely unique. Via this dragon fire, the steel used in the manufacturing of Llafnor was said to be as pure as possible and entirely without defect. This was compounded by alterations made to the blade such as its preservation magic and more divine enhancements like the binding enchantment of defense etched in runes on the hilt and the blinding light the blade exudes when pulled from scabbard.


In the age of the Dawn Kingdom, the smiths of the Jotnar were prized as the greatest of any age. They used the magics of their people to fashion blades and armor of such splendor that it became the envy of even the gods. Of their number, it is said the greatest of them was a humble one named Falahir. Falahir was a gentle soul, inspirational and creative in character and in his profession. Falahir had a soft heart for the plight of men, who toiled in the mines and wretched servitude under the giants in these days. One such servant was a downtrodden man by the name of Benrir who was born in shackles in Mikilhuld. Benrir came to serve the smith Falahir and the two came to have a great friendship in times when such things were not to be. As they toiled together, they came to understand many secrets in the realm of smithing.

As his heart was not hardened toward the plight of men, Falahir hatched a scheme to free Benrir and many of the men, women, and children of Mikilhuld. Falahir and Benrir began forging a sword for Benrir to wield in the escape, a sword of such quality, that its crafting took the entirety of the time for the details of the plot to come to fruition. Together, Falahir and Benrir laid a trap for the great dragon Basdūh. Benrir, in the hidden in shadow, engaged the draig in a game of words and riddles, betting his life for a fragment of the draig's fiery breath. However, Basdūh proved unable to best the wily man and in a rage, attempted to reduce Benrir to ash. Yet, with an enchanted caldron and mitts, Benrir captured the fire of Basdūh and evaded the draig as it followed him. It was then that the fire of Basdūh was the final ingredient in the forging of the great blade.

On the night of the exodus, the blade was given to Benrir and given the name Frelsi, which in the tongue of the giants means Freedom. Benrir used the sword to escape and lead his people away to the west. Falahir's duplicity was uncovered and he was executed by his fellow giants but his great creation remained, ever to be the bane of the giants. Frelsi came to be a dusted heirloom of Benrir's people, carried with them wherever they went and they ventured far into the lands of the Old North. There the blade rested among their number until the last descendant of Benrir lived with the sword upon his back. Upon meeting the exiled prince of the Géadine, Finbhar who was strong in character and brave, the sword was passed on with the death of its final holder. Finbhar came to use the sword to slay the draig Basdūh, from whose fire it was made and he became the first King of the Tirdôla. From him, the sword would pass and one day, when the great struggle against the giants was reaching its end, the sword came to the hero Gydwïyr who wielded it in the Final War of the Dawn Age. After the death of Gydwïyr, the blade came to be known as Llafnor, the Blade of the Bogs.


While better known as Llafnor, the blade that once was named Frelsi has enormous significance to the whole of humanity. Through the friendship of Giant and Man, the blade was forged and served many masters who used it for all manner of great deeds. The blade was the heirloom of the Tirdôla and passed on from the line of Finbhar until gifted to Gydwïyr by Raedwil, the final great king of Ellandun. Llafnor was the sigil of Gydwïyr and his weapon during the last war with the giants, Gydwïyr was commonly known as the last hero of mankind due to his leadership during this conflict and Llafnor was called "The last sword of man" due to its association with him. After the battle at Hautkrig, Gydwïyr, who had famously fallen in the battle, was interred at Hautkrig with his sword resting alongside him.

Now Llafnor has multiple related myths as it has been claimed to have been wielded by various figures under various names. In his saga, the hero Gundhar, a figure largely associated with Gydwïyr himself is said to wield Straf or retribution in old Herodi which is also associated with Llafnor.

In the King's Cycle, a series of tales and stories of the Gwerins, Llafnor would find one final wielder in the Eternal King Arthwys who is said to have found it in the caves of Fynedfa. To the Gwerins, Llafnor is said to be entombed with Arthwys beneath Mount Anywedd in Powyar.

In native Galukian myth, the hero Bachaun is said to wield a sword called Ganrin which the champion ventured to the highest peak in Galukia to obtain.

To the far north, the Rókuri people believe the god and creator Marinen crafted a weapon so perfect and flawless he drove himself mad in his obsession with it. The blade itself, called Vihastavaterä is said to be in the possession of Jarl Alvar Mikkonen as he claims descent from this revered monarch.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
Around the Reign of King Krónaðr
Current Location
3 lbs
75 inches long and 25 inches wide
Raw materials & Components
The steel Llafnor was forged with was black iron, once found in the mountains of the east. Though likely still remaining there, the ore was mined fervently by the giants and came to be scarce. Now, most of the black ore can be found in the aptly named Black Mountains of Iola, a land many still say mystery dwells.
Jotnar tools of especially high quality were used in the crafting of this blade. These tools can be found in the abandoned workshops of the Black Mountains where they have been since the giants fled the encroaching humans ages ago.


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