King Karl the Last Character in Aelutea | World Anvil

King Karl the Last

King of Areul and Asturina Karl Krauling (a.k.a. The Last)

Son of Emperor Karlo the Great and the Rasennan princess Theakina as well as a grandson of Radimane. King Karl of Areul and Asturina attempted to reassert his successive claim to the title of the emperor but was fought and killed at the Battle of the Orne against a coalition led by his uncle Mauger and his treacherous half-brother Heinrich.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A proud warrior with a pedigree of conquerors going to the days of his Great grandfather Einhard. Karl was tall in the saddle and an inspiring presence to those in his retinue.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born the son of Radimane's eldest son Karlo and the daughter of the then reigning Rasennan emperor Adrian Rusokastra via Karlo's marriage of his daughter Theakina. Karl was born and given titles designating him as his father's successor in the lands of Areul, Asturina, and much of the lands of the Rhor outside those of Salia. By the time his father passed, Karl was expecting his succession to be proclaimed by his numerous family members like his favored uncle Clovis of Hedbardia and neighboring uncle Sigismund of Hasdulia.This did not end up being the case as Karl's attested overlordship was immediately contested by another of his uncles, Mauger who challenged his nephew for the throne of the empire. Mauger was an intensely envious figure and had eyed for the independence of his realm since the death of his father Radimane. Only the brotherly influence of Emperor Karlo had kept the realm together but with his passing came the death throws of the empire.

Karl's side of the Krauling civil war was occupied mainly by his own personal allies in his domain of Areul while he was financially supported by his uncles Sigismund and Clovis who otherwise refused to fight their brother. Mauger had a similar position in the eastern lands but could rally a larger contingent of veteran troops from the soldiery camps set up in the east by Radimane and Karlo. Karl's strength was in his centralized domain in Areul which was still the heartland of the imperial domains. He could call on a very sizeable source of men from across this land, including his allies in Hasdulia and Lakia. Karl also received support from his maternal family on the Rasennan throne who aided in his war. Karl's forces were initially successful in a series of skirmishes with Salian forces culminating in the victory at the Balen River which emboldened Karl to attack his uncle directly. With confidence derived from his victories and from Rasennan imperial authority, Karl was crowned Emperor of the Krauling Empire by his ally, Emperor Alexius IV.

Karl's successes were largely built on his conducting of the war in his own lands, he benefitted tremendously from local scouting and keen knowledge of the land. These advantages were lost when he went east into Great Salia to war on his uncle who now attained the same advantage Karl once used. Seeing the overeagerness of his nephew, Mauger rallied his men and set a trap at the village of Belsa which resulted in a stunning defeat for Karl and his allies. The defeat at Belsa led to the defection of Karl's half-brother Heinrich to the side of Mauger and culminated in the clash between the sides at the famous Battle of the Orne River.

The Battle of the Orne was the largest fought between the Kraulings, with an estimated 150,000 total men being present for the fight. Contemporary records of the battle are completely destroyed but chronicles after the fact as well as oral tradition survived and give a picture of what the battle was like. On the march to the Orne, Karl had been told of his brother Heinrich's defection but had denied it repeatedly, often rebuking his allies in anger saying

"If what you speak is true, all who hold me in their allegiance I can scant believe for the one who has betrayed me has withstood me for far longer than any."

When the two forces arrived on the field, Karl made camp on the hill of Roicote, or "The King's Hill" as it was called in later Halsat sources, and Mauger was given the low ground for his encampment. In the morning, Karl initiated battle and made a rousing speech to his own household guard saying,

"If victory be ours, let this rolling plain be known as the site of just victory but if we be defeated, let it never again taste dew drop nor rainfall nor freshness of any kind again!"

Karl's forces, while supposedly fighting valiantly, were outmatched and outmaneuvered by entering forces from the allied Reik of Bourir, Ricwis. Surrounded and fighting on horseback, Karl supposedly rallied his men and they fought viciously to try and escape their encirclement. Nevertheless, King Karl of Areul and Asturina died that day in the field on the bank of the Orne, sword in hand. Though it is not back up by accounts of the battle, a legend persists of the end of Karl the Last, by the fateful hand of his treacherous brother Heinrich who slew him on his knees with a series of sword blows. Karl's last oration became a fixture of his legend and goes as follows,

"Strike true brother, swing your sword yet know that a sword baked in my blood sullies such a weapon. Foolish Henrik (Heinrich) for you strike now in boast, but this deed will haunt your every living moment. Strike, yet beware for if you strike poorly, this King will see your treason and cut you down if you do not strike him well."

The death of King Karl sent shockwaves throughout the empire as with his death, the throne of the west, and in theory, the imperial titles were now up for grabs. While his descendants would attempt in vain to hold the empire of their forefathers together, Karl's death sealed the fate of the Krauling empire. Evidence of Karl's depiction as a romantic dreamer and figure of tragedy persists and scant records indicate several performances and works were made centuries after the tragic death of the promising King of the Areuls and would-be Emperor of the Krauling domain.


Krauling Imperial Prince
Krauling King

Accomplishments & Achievements

Victory at the Balen River

Failures & Embarrassments

Defeated at Belsa and finally killed at the Battle of the Orne
Betrayed by his trusted brother Heinrich

Intellectual Characteristics

Emotional and Devoted

Morality & Philosophy

By Blood or by the Sword is a Kingdom won

Personality Characteristics


Claim the titles of his birthright and eliminate threats to his rule

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Family Ties

Son of Emperor Karlo the Great and Theakina Rusokastra
Nephew of Mauger, Clovis and Sigismund
Half Brother of Heinrich Krauling
Father of Reinhart Krauling

Religious Views

A believer in the Hasdinian goddess Wera, Karl saw the kindling of his people's conversion to the Ecclesia as Karl himself adopted many of the same rites as the southern Ecclesial faithful.

Social Aptitude

Bold, boisterous, and proud through and through, King Karl was a prominent son of perhaps the most famed family in the world. Himself the eldest son of the eldest son of the great Radimane, Karl had a rich familial history to draw from and an honored upbringing as presumed heir to the empire. In conversation, he was self-assured, confident, and bashful.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
161 B.E 132 B.E 29 years old
Light Blue
Short, Blond, Straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There in the grass and mud shall the blood of our race pour, let the victor be decided by providence or by whosoever swings their weapon the quickest." -Said to commanders before the Battle of the Orne
Hasdinian Goddess Wera
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
(The ferocious Battle of the Orne, the turning point in the breakup of the once all-powerful Krauling Empire)


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